got an Ez Qmatic setup today for the roadmaster build i'm doing. By the first look at it its def really simple yet effective and its well built. I'll let yall know how it goes
Man, that is one clean build.....thanks for sharing the pic Q. That thing looks brand spankin new....super sano!Hi Zean,
The stock EZM Q-Matic has a 10 tooth #41 clutch output sprocket. A few dealers have ordered the #35 clutch and it has an 11 tooth sprocket.
Sure am watching this build using the Roadmaster, as I have a 1948 Roadmaster with a Whizzer motor in my collection.
Here is a picture of a Whizzer motor in a Roadmaster [not mine]
Have fun,
Here a link to the pics:Hi zean,
I agree, the vintage bikes are so well made that motors appear to be part of the original plan.
I still have 6 vintage [1948 to 1951] motorbikes bikes in my collection, and the ride is completely different than my later model versions. I have 6 new edition motorbikes [1999 to 2008], and the ride just doesn't have the solid feel of the older bikes.
BTW............... I once owned 2 additional Whizzers, however Jay Cruise [& Bonnie] now own them. Maybe he will post photos of the Ivory 1949 [1st place winner Portland, IN].
Have fun,