Why did I join this great Motorized Bicycle forum?



The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
Welcome to you new guys who are not new to motorbicycling. I joined both forums about this time a year ago. I found the other forum less user friendly, less easy to see pictures and the tone of things didn't feel quite right. Every so often I go back and look around, but feel like an outsider so almost never post. No doubt there are some great guys over there as there are here. I think part of the success here is that it is pretty civilized, meaning that people are generally civil to each other at the very least and more often than not are friendly and helpful. When a flame gets lit, somebody steps in and gently snuffs it out. No heavy handed ranting from the moderators who I think are A1 guys.
When I think of how much I have learned here in one year it make me feel like I've been to a kind of correspondence school for motored bikes. The biggest plus is the friends I have made.


New Member
Apr 25, 2009
Spokane, WA
I joined this site back in April last year. I was unemployed and poor, and I needed something cheap to get me around. I started looking at electric bicycle kits and decided they just didn't have the range I wanted and needed, so I started looking at gas bike kits. In the process of searching the internet, I found this site and started reading. There is so much good info on here I just had to join. Then i started asking questions and got all kinds of great help. If it weren't for this site, I may have never built my first bike, or I would have gotten my kit, gotten frustrated trying to build it and just given up. But now I'm on my second bike and loving it.

I may not post much, but whenever I need some help, I know I can come here and get it from a bunch of great people. Let me put it this way: I normally don't like posting to forums, but everyone here actually makes it worthwhile :).


New Member
Nov 16, 2008
new york city
My 2 cents is not really the same as the above tell it. This and the other site have been very helpful. Norm is a huge plus over here with his knowledge of the taking apart the engine and fixing various problems. There are many others who give sound advice and tips. My motorcycle background gives me an edge in dealing with some of the related features only not so serious. This toy like engine is very capable if you respect it for what it really is. The only thing that troubles me is the guy that's trying to make these mb's fly like a motorcycle. This will eventually get us banned if individuals keep pushing for more speed. I hope this doesn't happen but if enough accidents and death occur it could. If your really interested in performance get a motorcycle and leave this hobby for what it was intended.


New Member
Jul 21, 2009
While I agree w/you somewhat fm2200, I gotta point out that the only "intention" of any hobby is to amuse the hobbyist & there's a world of difference between the quest for performance and riding like a fool... one doesn't inherently necessitate the other ;)

Heck - 'round here it's mostly the folks w/no motor at all on their bicycles that risk "accidents and death (by) pushing for more speed" :p


New Member
Jul 23, 2010
I joined because I'm a fan of motor bikes, hopefully I can meet friends here with the same interest as mine.


New Member
Mar 22, 2008
Tampa Bay Florida
While I agree w/you somewhat fm2200, I gotta point out that the only "intention" of any hobby is to amuse the hobbyist & there's a world of difference between the quest for performance and riding like a fool... one doesn't inherently necessitate the other ;)

Heck - 'round here it's mostly the folks w/no motor at all on their bicycles that risk "accidents and death (by) pushing for more speed" :p
I think it has something to do with where one lives and what he uses it for.

If you live in a way flat part of Texas and you need to drive 25 miles to work on a road with little traffic then one might want some speed.

If you live in W.V, you might just want a torque machine that will get you up the hills and real good brakes to get you down the hills because almost any bicycle, even one without a motor will go 50mph or faster in W.V. ! usflg
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New Member
Nov 16, 2008
new york city
Motorbiker, I agree with the circumstances you mention, I sort of wish that the engine had a tad more power. I can understand your point of view completely.


New Member
Mar 22, 2008
Tampa Bay Florida
Motorbiker, I agree with the circumstances you mention, I sort of wish that the engine had a tad more power. I can understand your point of view completely.
For me I have got big performance gains by losing weight and building stronger legs.

My main motor now runs more than my helper motor.

Still love that helper motor though ! It's got my back ! usflg


a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
i agree that accidents and deaths can be detrimental to our "hobby," but i don't really agree with the "hobby" part of it.

if you build a fast and safe bike, then you can have a viable form of alternative transportation.

if you build a fast bike out of a piece of junk with known problems (not mentioning any brands by name, because i don't want the people who buy bikes at walmart to get madder at me) then you just have a junky bike that can get you hurt.

one of my goals when i build a bike is to make it as fast, safe, and reliable as possible. to me, riding with traffic at 40+ is safer than trying to do 25-30 in the gutter with traffic whizzing by. if you're in the lane with cars, it's easier for them to tell you're going fast. if you're riding on the side, at first glance, you look like a guy riding a bike, and most of the time, all that guy that's turning out or into a driveway gives you is a glance.

if you're buzzing along in front of him, he'll think you're riding some crazy souped up moped. which you are.

speed, safety, and reliability are all possible, and until people stop looking at this as a "cheap hobby," most people aren't gonna achieve that.

i stated before why i joined this forum, and this post is one of the reasons i'm still here. to try and type some sense into some people...
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New Member
Nov 16, 2008
new york city
bairdco maybe in your part of California you have smooth roads to do 40+ on a bike. Over here on east coast there just not that well maintained. I would not go over 30 with the typical streets and roads here. You are surely right about the cars whizzing by, just yesterday had a young guy in a japanese car almost shaved my handlebar grip off, it was his way of saying, out of the way jack.


New Member
Jul 24, 2008
upper Pioneer Valley
..........one of my goals when i build a bike is to make it as fast, safe, and reliable as possible. to me, riding with traffic at 40+ is safer than trying to do 25-30.......
Another time and another thread is probably better to have a go at discussing this and I agree with much of the substance of your whole post.

However, the state regs here are MB friendly (IE: no tags, insurance, inspection), well defined and clear. MBs and mopeds are to have a top attainable speed of 30mph and a max operating speed of 25mph.

The speeds you're suggesting put you into cat2 (30mph-40mph) which is LUV (limited use vehicle) and subject to having manufacturers COO, and obtaining title, plates, insurance, inspections including emissions and DOT everything.


New Member
Mar 22, 2008
Tampa Bay Florida
Another time and another thread is probably better to have a go at discussing this and I agree with much of the substance of your whole post.

However, the state regs here are MB friendly (IE: no tags, insurance, inspection), well defined and clear. MBs and mopeds are to have a top attainable speed of 30mph and a max operating speed of 25mph.

The speeds you're suggesting put you into cat2 (30mph-40mph) which is LUV (limited use vehicle) and subject to having manufacturers COO, and obtaining title, plates, insurance, inspections including emissions and DOT everything.
But they are not mopeds or motorcycles.

They are bicycles and I ride bicycles with no motors at all 30 to 40 mph or faster.

It is not against the law as far as I know.

Why would people want to put a motor on a bicycle if it has to go slower than it will go without a motor ?

Here is an idea.

Before you put a motor on a bicycle take it to a steep hill and see how it handles above 40 mph.

When you get a good handle on going over 40 mph then put a motor on it if you dare !

Top speed on level ground also depends on the weight of the rider.

Some people are using them as fat old dude mobility scooters and weigh 300+lbs

Going over 40 mph some of those dudes could take out a house ! ! ! usflg

edit : Sorry if I have offended any fat old drunks that have too many dui's that ride motor bicycles !

Not you happy, your my hero !
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New Member
Jul 22, 2010
tucson az
i joined because i always saw all kinds of questions being asked.. being a motorcycle and auto mechanic of 24years and some machining exp i figured i might be albe to help.. i love anything with wheels and a small engine.. its like geting to relvie your childhood.. i started a small building service and repir shop in myy home and love the smiles when a new person trys there bike for the first time or seeing someone get thers to run after having problems.. not trying to get rich as long as i can aford smokes and gas for mine im happy.. i allways go for a ride with a new person after i build their bike for them.. just trying to get as many of these bikes on the road as i can so the "movment" grows!!


New Member
Jul 25, 2010
I joined this site because My wife bought me a motorized bike to get back n forth to work we live in Florida and its so much cheaper then paying for a second car. Now i just have to learn how to keep it running cause it's the closest thing to a motorcycle she will let me ride and to be honest it's fun enough that i actually enjoy my 5 mile commute to work!


New Member
Jul 26, 2010
middle georgia
Ya gotta love these little badass machines!

The way i got into it was a friend of mine got a second offense DUI in the state of GA, not so good, so his mom said "what about a motorized bicycle?" at first both of us were like , the only motorized bicycles we saw were all old man dorkado jobs, but than we saw the board trackers!! EUREKA!! i had always liked those bikes and am a biker anyway with shovelheads and inline four choppers and the such and got to thinkin that those beach cruiser bikes look an awful lot like board trackers... so it began, my little bro got interested too do we ordered the kits and went to town.

I think the biggest coolness for me is the real freedom u have on these things, i mean they are bicycles so that means i can ride sidewalks and roads and not wear a helmet unless i just wanted too, which i wont, but anyway it should be my choice not the damn government! So i am ridin the mess outta this thing and it is so much more fun than i even thought....