I promised I would NOT rise to the bait but alas I am a poor fish after all. I could write a thousand words to explain why I think there is a difference between us and them. I will stick with just one argument this time.
When we go to war civilians die. this is true, but I hope to god we do not TARGET civilians as an acceptable way to wage war. That to me is the difference. Three thousand plus Americans in New York were targeted and all of us know how horribly they died.
If a man worked in a power plant in Bagdad the night the war began, he was warned that it was coming. Who warned the people who went to work on that bright September day. Was the war right or wrong, I honestly don't know and YOU don't either. All I know is they kill school kids on purpose, and we don't. You say it is about religion, the people who die from the suicide bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan are Muslims. How is that about religion? Do baptist kill methodists?
You can disagree, but this is what I believe to be the truth. You are entitled to your beliefs and I am entitled to mine. Call me crazy, but I see no heroism in blowing yourself up, to take a bus load of school kids with you. They should try what the budist monks in vietnam did set yourself on fire. It actually started a revolution. Not the north south thing the Deim thing.