Just how QUIET are they ???


New Member
I've noticed that some of these conversion suppliers advertise their engines as being 'quiet' some even super quiet. But quiet as compared to what....a lawnmower? I know for a fact that even leaf blowers can make quite a racket of alot of noise. Perhaps someone has posted a video clip with sound of an engine converted bike.
I won't kid you - a stroke engine is a bit loud - but not as loud as a chainsaw or leaf blower. But there are things you can do for the noise.

Despite my dislike of 4 stroke engines power to weight ratio - they are more quiet.
I watched the dueling Titans video, and they almost sound as a street scooter, but hard to tell. Obviously, the more you throttle up...the louder it gets. I bet if you get a heavier muffler, you might get some further noise suppression.
Street scooter? Not sure what that is......if you mean one of the little buzz bombs, no way.
I watched the dueling Titans video, and they almost sound as a street scooter, but hard to tell. Obviously, the more you throttle up...the louder it gets. I bet if you get a heavier muffler, you might get some further noise suppression.

I watched that on Daxs website but turned it off cause I think the wind noise was sooo annoying.........Not the sound of the motor.....