Custom Build -2 Speed RC Motored Cruiser


New Member
Worlklog for the 2 Speed Thudster Box Equipped Cruiser

Please Note:- The Original of this Worklog
Can be Found on Endless Sphere Forums, this below
is a copy from that thread as such some names and events mentioned
may make little sense, my apologies in advance.

As many are aware i have started a new build that will be home for a 2 Speed box Thud has generously
offered to build for me, along with a re-winding of the old HXT Turnigy to give it some more beans and reliability
Huge thanks to Thud for this, i believe there is a limited number of these boxes being made
i am extremely appreciative that Thud has offered one of them to me for my bike, the generosity of the people
of this forum constantly blows me away, i freaking love this hobby and the die hard developers that continue to
push it forward...Thankyou Todd :-)

The bike, I am basing the frame on a Basman frame-->

^^^This is similar to what i am chasing, i want a lil more ground clearance
and slightly smaller rear end to better fit a 24in rim/ tire combo.

I made a few rough sketches to get the sizing and placement of components, CAD
buffs are in for a treat here BEHOLD :mrgreen: -->


:mrgreen: As you can see i still haven't warmed to using AutoCAD (or any other CAD software LoL)
hey! i used a rule this time!...and mathomat mines a lil different
but has circles i used for the wheels :lol:

Not having a certain"member from Costa Rica's skills" to build frames accurately without a jig, i decided another frame jig was
needed, this time however a i wanted a re-usable jig for future builds-->

I used a couple of pieces of exercise equipment i found during kerbside rubbish collection


The addition of a new hydraulic height adjustable bench in my workshop has been a god send makes things so
much easier for me, the jig sits upon it.

Currently its set for this new frame, but could easily be altered for next build. I shall keep it stored away between builds.


One issue i have had with the last 2 frame builds is sourcing a 1 1/8 I.D head tube, on both occasions Matt.P has come to the rescue
donating first a OCC Chopper frame and now a West Coast Chopper frame, the headset was cut and cleaned
HUGE props to Matt, thanks again mate :) -->




I started bending tubes couple of days ago, taking it slow and steady, the tubing being used
is ~31 OD with a 1.6mm wall thickness for the front of the frame, chain stays will us ~21in 1.6mm wall thickness

After making a mess of a couple of pieces i finally got the 'lines' i was looking for
in this frame, i roughly cut the tubing to length before I laid the frame out on the
concrete for a better look-->


Happy with the bends i then went about mounting the frame into the jig
notching the ends of the tubing and tacking it together-->


All the tubes lined up beautifully, they are very 'sturdy' tacs :D this combined with the jig
holding the frame in position for full welding will see the frame stay in this exact shape :-) FYI: Frame has ~30 degree of rake for the curious amongst you ;-) ...

I intended to work on the rear of the frame yesterday afternoon but a mate getting me metal plate
for the rear dropouts didn't come through (his boss was on the lookout all day apparently LOL)
I have some RHS beam here i use as an Anvil i will chop into instead , these will be some more
seriously thick dropouts to make Hyena'sfrock fan bois jealous LoL

So...I positioned some scrap tubing on the rear to get an idea how the rear will come together-->


Hopefully next update will see pretty much complete frame ready for full welding...

As always the build will be delayed due to $$$ and freight wait times, but i shall endeavor
to have this bike finished ALOT quicker time than the cruiser has taken, looking at 3 months
MAX hopefully sooner for full mock up ride. I guess some will be wondering colours i will be using
for this frame? well.. I am going with Satin Black (differs slightly from GangSTa 8) black)...All alloy
parts not polished to chrome finish will
be anodized Blue...Sun Ringle DoubleWide Disc Rim will be used supporting either Schwalbe Tyres Crazy BoB 2.35in or
2.5in Maxxis Hookworms depending how the $$$ situation is going...likely 26in up front 24in rear like pictured bike above...
The drive train...obviously a 2 Speed Thudster box driving via chain on the left side of the bike to
rear sprocket, manual pedal will be right side...very simple.. Hydraulic disks all round
8in front 6in on the lookout for some 5-6 year old triple
crown Downhill forks for ~300 bucks...hear of any let me know...
Cruiser will run a sensor ed setup (eventually)
what controller this will be remains to be seen, when time comes to purchase i will see what is going
if it was now, a 18fet infineon most likely with magic from Mr Edward Lyen wavved over it, he is working
on sensorless infineon for these HXT motors hopefully that will materialize sooner rather than later now
he has a pair of these motors to work with...Will run 66v (initially) Lithium Polymer batter config
using GGoodrum boards and balancing system.

Thats about it for now...any thing not covered above ask me and i'll be more than happy
to answer any questions...

Back soon with update...

..I Had a bit of an interrupted day as such didn't get as much done as
i would have liked.

Trimmed my template up a lil marked the shape of the desired dropout on
steel and ripped into it-->







As i only managed to get the rear droputs cutout today i slipped out to the workshop
this evening and bent up a couple of chain stays... shall do the remaining
two and tack it all in place...



Apologies this is shocking pic i should of used flash...shall get better pics
when shes all tacked up anyhoot...


Cheers all...

I have followed your builds for awhile now! Beautiful clean built bikes! I have enjoyed your You Tube videos as well. Awesome inspiration here!

Your jig is quit fascinating. Thanks for sharing this set up! It is very helpful.

I look forward to better days when I can afford the bits and pieces to do some of these builds.

Turns out I got an exercise bench I have been saving for the steel. You just gave me some great Ideas. Thanks..
Cheers Goat Herder I am glad to hear you have enjoyed the builds ...all the best with your own
custom builds in the future :-)

So...i ran out of welding wire went and bought a new roll, different brand and its absolute rubbish as in i can't use it at all its like its not for gasless welding, whether its a bad batch or just outright **** wire i dunno, but it is crap... so pissed as i have the frame 95% welded now, the front half is
fully welded and half of the chain stays.

My oldest and best friend dropped in this morning while i was bending the final chainstay,
"Snapper" is a motor body builder and has been for 20 years...he welded my tacked frame up in
under 10 minutes, he would of finished the entire job if not for the wire running out, he was a machine haha...
I should have a new frame to show... as is...still need to weld a few spots on the ass end...

Snapper also bought me up the 3mm steel plate top for my new bench! check this out-->


Nice coat of primer stops spatter sticking, i simply brushed it off when all the welding was done.


OK...few pics of the mornings proceedings-->



Dropouts will be slightly trimmed along visible pen line (seen in first pic more clearly) ...


Have allowed lots of room for chains and BiG wide mofo tires :lol:

Have a few random pics of the welding, required very little grinding, Snapper
insisted hitting them all with flap disk when he had finished though, using the anti
spatter spray it was very little clean up time.



Mocked up with a couple of old rims to have a looksee at how shes comin' alongz


I had my eyez on a set of Boxer 2004 triple clamp forks on EBay but someone snapped them up for buy now
price last night.. :: sigh :: also...I was curious what are the longest downhill fork available
would i be right in assuming 35cm stanchions are up there amongst the longest aside from some of the newer
$2k forks... I will be needing the longest i can find anywayz...

Think that's it for now...need to wait till i can afford some more wire to replace the garbage i bought
and no, i can't take it back. That will be Thursday unless circumstances unexpectedly change..
First and last time i buy cheap wire over CIG wire i been using for years trouble free.

Back when i have more..



Have allowed lots of room for chains and BiG wide mofo tires :lol:

Have a few random pics of the welding, required very little grinding, Snapper
insisted hitting them all with flap disk when he had finished though, using the anti
spatter spray it was very little clean up time.



Mocked up with a couple of old rims to have a looksee at how shes comin' alongz


I had my eyez on a set of Boxer 2004 triple clamp forks on EBay but someone snapped them up for buy now
price last night.. :: sigh :: also...I was curious what are the longest downhill fork available
would i be right in assuming 35cm stanchions are up there amongst the longest aside from some of the newer
$2k forks... I will be needing the longest i can find anywayz...

Think that's it for now...need to wait till i can afford some more wire to replace the garbage i bought
and no, i can't take it back. That will be Thursday unless circumstances unexpectedly change..
First and last time i buy cheap wire over CIG wire i been using for years trouble free.

Back when i have more..


Regarding suspension forks: Marzocchi Monster T's are one of the largest and longest travel forks available for MTB's. They were made up until a couple years ago and can be found used all over for great prices. The Monster T was derived from a Marzocchi Trials motorcycle fork, and come standard with 40mm stanchions and a standard post mount for an 8in disc rotor, as well as a 20mm thru axle of course. There are three types of Monsters you will find: Gen 1 is the 6.7in original model, manufactured from about 1998 through 2003, and is an amazing handbuilt italian fork. Full open bath internals allow for almost infinite adjustment of springs, oil weights, and oil fill heights for individual riders and applications. This fork was one of the first if not THE first MTB fork to also boast external adjustment of preload, compression, and rebound. Marzocchi publishes factory oil weights, volume in cc's and spring rates on their website at Marzocchi USA. The second fork is the 2nd Gen Monster T, which bumped travel up to 8.0in, and is even taller than the OG Monster. Much heaver, but extremely impressive looking, and maintains all the adjustability of the original. The last and rarest of these beasts is the Super Monster, which boasts something insane like 12in of suspension travel, and I think would be complete overkill for all but the most insane of applications, but I would be remiss if I did not mention it here. These were only manufactured for a couple of years before being discontinued in the face of much improved technology becoming more common in successors like the Marzocchi 888 and Fox Racing Shocks Fox 40.

I have an original 1st Gen Monster T which will eventually grace the front end of a Morini build, and it will be amazing. I personally ran a Monster T for a season back in the day on one of my freeride bikes and it was a singularly awesome to ride due to its buttery smooth travel and unequaled steering stiffness.

One other beautiful Marzo fork to be on the lookout for is the Marzocchi Shiver, an inverted, 8in travel suspender that was absolutely the fastest racing fork of it's day. It shares nearly all internals and adjustments with the monster, is ever so slightly lighter, and is so doggone sexy I don't know why they still don't make it except to think it was too expensive to make good money on after a while. If you find yourself a shiver you have a fork truly worth designing a bike around.
Thanks for the detailed info on the forks huckersteve...your the only person on 3 forums that has helped in this department appreciate your time.

Obviously i won't be requiring a high end fork for their performance alone, this is more of a looks deal, im a paraplegic and wont be racing down no mountain trails in this life time on a cruiser or a mtb LoL as such i couldn't possibly entertain the idea of paying more than 400 bucks for a set of triple clamp forks...It is quite a coincidence though huckersteve you talk of the Marzocchi made forks
as just few hours ago i bought a set of Marzocchi Drop Off triple clamp forks for $AU300
(around 280 USD i guess?)


Yes i am aware these are the lowest model/budget Marzocchi fork but they are still Marzocchi's so build quality will be superb i am guessing? Either way Steve, IMO they are more than suitable for the intended purpose. I read a handful of reviews and they got a good rap for a budget fork, i believe ~$US800 bucks when new?

Anywayz, I am absolutely rapt i got these ones Steve they are in good condition and in Australia! so i'll have them by next week not 3 weeks time it takes to get freight from USofA and Europe...if your lucky. ! Have also obtained the length of mates 35cm stanchions forks that also have 160mm travel and checked them against the head tube height of my bike, they will be perfect
the bikes lowest tube should be parallel to the ground as planned.

I have also some excellent news to report regarding the Turnigy HXT 80-130kv re-wind, Thudster supplied the following pics of my stator fully rewound with 14awg wire!


Take careful note you might be able to make out the wire is definitely a little larger O.D than
the stock wire LoL


Hold onto your hats here chaps, this wind has bumped the motors kv from 130kv to somewhere in the vicinity of 180kv i let one of the smartest fellas in this area on Endless Sphere
explain tell what this all means... (copied from ES thread "Thuds re-wind of a turnigy 80-100")

Liveforphysics said:
For the folks that don't fully appreciate the significance of what Sir Thudly has done here, he has just turned the power capability of that motor into the power capability of two motors.

That single big HXT motor is equal to, or more powerful than the pair of big HXT motors I run on my bike.

(Which is precisely why I MUST rewind both of mine now. :twisted: :twisted: Maybe shoot for 260kv with double copper on each motor. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: )

Double the see, i was getting 10000watt from the stock (supposedly 6500watt motor LoL) lets see...1h.p=748watts so 20000watt/748watt=26.7hp..ooh my...We do have a slight problem however, finding a suitable speed controller to run this thing without producing 'magic smoke' when i push it.. Even if it produces 10000watt again but sustain that not burn up it will be mighty impressive from a motor shorter than a can of Coca-Cola and lighter than a house brick...anyone got a Morini motor capable of over 20h.p i'm wondering :-P

Back with more soon...thanks again Steve ...

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hehe KiM,

I hope we can keep a speed controller from popin' like a flash bulb at 20k.....but really, this is going to be a ripper. I doubt any one around here (other than camlifter) has seen the transmision package yet. That is going to be the key to making this build work on both ends of the spectrum.

Chain snapping/wheel standing tourque in low, & some looong legs on the top end.
I can't wait to see it rolling.....bikes allways look better leaning into a corner to me.
man, if you could make those trans for under $300 there would be a line around the planet trying to buy them. and i'd be first in line.
Hi Camlifter,
Thanks, I blew a week getting a table top CNC set up to help me make some parts....& I have burned up 2 routers surfacing the table & getting it all zeroed out..... but once thats online all the monotany & layout time drops by a huge factor.

You need to pick another weekend this fall for a get together.
Lets see if we can't get a few more guy's to show up. gas & electric.
I want to get some laps in on the track..(I have a china girl all broken in & a Morini sitting on the bench looking for a frame). & just finished lacing a new back wheel for another electric dirttracker I will unveil as soon as i Get KiM's package turned around.

back to KiM's awsome handy work..mbv.