Flaming Horse Fat Tire Chopper


New Member
I've been undercover for a long spell. I'm still alive and building bikes. I'm also still teaching youth in
my area to be future bicycle builders. We always build choppers. I haven't put motors on 90% of them
but this one is electric so I felt it worthy to be included in such a fine venue.


FULL BUILD LOG....... YouTube - ‪Flaming Horse Fat Tire Bicycle chopper bicycle fat tire chopper 2‬‎

RIDING BIKE IN MOTION... YouTube - ‪Fat Tire Chopper Bicycle‬‎
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Thanks VMB! I only get 10.5 mi @ 16mph. It's just a neighborhood cruiser and 10 mi is plenty... anyways, thats
what my "hind end" tells me. This one wasn't built for efficency or speed. Local parades, neighborhood cruising
in the evening. Always good times, and we meet some fun people while riding.
Very cool! The bike, those videos... Have to ask, what took more time, putting together the bike or the videos? Because they are both very well done. Thumbs up.
man that's rad ,thanks for the paint tips ,how big of a compressor do you need for the air brush what clear coat do you prefer?