all fuled up but no start!!!


New Member
OK after many weeks of this and that i finally got the huffy cruiser and motor together. i did it the way i wanted and made a custom mount for the oversized bar i will post some pics when i get a chance. Anyhow tried to get her started for the first time.

Mixed the fuel as directed by the forum ha ha roughly 20:1

primed the carb as best i can tell i have an upgraded carb on it with the blue air filter

Pulled it the clutch and peddled like mad dumped the clutch and the motor turned over but seems like no spark.

Blue to blue black to black white capped off plug wire snug tried choke on choke off tried many many times to get it to start and no luck. was hoping for some ideas on what to check next.

Engine is the 65.9cc EPA motor

I just wanna ride baby!:ride:
1) pull the plug to see if it gas on it...
2) ground the plug on the engine, and peddle it or spin the wheel to see if you have spark..
3) are you sure you dont have an intake leak? the manifold is oringed or sealed with RTV.
ok so i rewired the blue and black wires i noticed that the kill switch is wired into the blue wire and then the green wire from the kill switch to ground

also i tried to pull the lug but it seems to be really tight and didn't want to break it any idea what size the socket is?

Also i checked the carb body and it is sealed with an oring it is a real nice carb setup but i can't get the plug out to check for fuel btw if no fuel on plug what then.
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Cut the kill switch out completely now blue to blue black to black no kill switch

pulled the plug seems to have fuel to it seemed wet with fuel.
pulled the bowl screw on the carb and fuel poured out.

tightened the screws on the intake to the carb.

still does not fire. just got the plug loose i am working by myself had to see if there is spark
Blue to blue and black to black. Or green to blue if you have green coming off the mag. If you have two wires off the kill switch one to blue and one to black, doesnt matter which is done.
right now it is blue from CDI to motor Blue
Black from CDI to motor Black
no kill switch connected i have a remote choke that can kill it for now.

both wires are stripped hard twisted and taped solid
Testing for spark by yourself can be a pain.....kick2

I use a spark plug tester that can be picked up at any local auto parts store. Normans set-up is a lot easier to make.

You can also make one like I have with a old spark plug and alligator clips. Just solder the alligator clip to your old spark plug and there you go. Be sure not to crank the motor without the coil wire plugged in and spark plug grounded.


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ok lets imagine that i haven't spent the last hour and that is 2 am trying to check for spark and split my hand open wide with blood dripping on the floor and say that there isn't a spark now what do i check. seems like i am getting fuel i am going to take the carb off and wrap the intake with RTV and re connect the carb to the intake. i will get a spark tester tomorrow but if there is no spark whats the solution.
CDI or Mag....I know there is threads here on how to check them but I am running out of time. If I cant find them real quick I will post the links tomorrow. Do you have a OHM meter?
i am done for the night not sure if it is a CDI or a Mag not sure what the difference is but it is the one that came with the kit the little black box with the plug wire coming off of it. i have it zip tied to the frame should it be screwed in i wouldn't think would make a difference i will check back in the morning. thaks all for the help one of these days all of my hard work will pay off.
Try twisting the wire into the CDI box. Then confirm whether you have spark or not before going any further.

I zip tie mine to the frame, it makes no difference.

If you don't make or get a spark tester, just tape the plug to the head with the wire on good and push the bike to spin the engine. It will push easily and you can look down and see (sometimes hear) the spark.
I would unscrew the spark plug wire out of the CDI, clip off 1/4" or so, to make sure the wires inside the spark plug wire are making contact with the screw inside the CDI, then screw it back in securely. Then make sure it is securely screwed in to the spark plug cap, on the other end of the wire. Then check for spark again. I agree with BGJ, might as well make sure you have spark before before moving to other things.
For some reason, I do not see that you visually checked for spark.. You are trying everything but that . Why is that? Look.. There are two things needed to run. Fuel and spark. It seems you checked for fuel and you have that. So now you need to check for spark. As requested earlier, check for spark. Do you see any spark at the tip of your spark plug? Snap cap on to plug and lay plug on motor so it is touching metal to metal and then spin the motor as fast as you can and look at the tip of your plug. Do you see spark jumping across the gap at the tip of your plug? Let us know. We would like to help you but we need to know if you have spark or not. Thanks..
I just woke up today going out to start checking for spark i will post an update shortly thank you for the idea of checking the plug wire i was not sure how it connected to the CDI so i will clip the 1/4 inch off and reattach and try again
ok now after many interruptions i have managed to get to my bike.

I tried again to start it just for the fun and of coarse no change.

I clipped the end of the plug wire and screwed it back on to the CDI
The plug cap end seemed a bit loose so i made it tight and tried again. still no luck motor turns over but no fire. not even a sputter.
Great was just back out checking the bike.
Took spark plug out was able to push the bike i could here compresion it had fuel but no spark.

Upon looking at the plug itself two questions came to mind.

First what should the gap be on these plugs?

Second should the metal tip of the spark plug wiggle?
when i disconnected the plug from the cap i notice the wiggle in the plug tip. I checked another type of plug i had in the garage and it does not wiggle at all. so i am thinking i am fighting a bad spark plug. If that is the case i owe the wife a apology.

Also isn't there a better plug to run on these?
Plug gap should be .020 - .025
The metal tip being the end that goes into the engine?
I run the NGK B6HS, Usually easiest to get at a marine supply or motorcycle shop.
Do you get spark with the other type of plug you have in the garage, should be able to use that to see if you are getting spark.
the metal tip that goes into the cap wiggles if you shake the plug it rattles sound like its broken inside. i am in the live chat window
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