Reserve your Jet engine kit!

In an insane twist of events, it appears we're pretty close to manufacturing our first batch of Jet Engine Kits.
After speaking to a UK engine kit retailer, they've asked we reserve a twin jet engine kit and all going well will place an initial order of 25 Kits.
Will post some CAD drawings soon but here's the idea. The pic below is the size we're going for.

Heres a vid of a simliar setup. YouTube - Jet Powered Bicycle of course ours will not be a turbine engine and subsequently wont cost over $2000

It will however be self starting and self aspirating and importantly valveless. Therefore NO moving parts. Installed and used correctly, the engine life is effectively limitless.

Initial complete kit price estimate is between 114.37 USD and 171.56 USD however we plan to integrate it so it uses as many parts as possible that are already used for the HT engines. This means the price will be less for those who already have an MB. So far one of the biggest contributors to the price is the need for a fuel pump as we hope to run the engine primarily on either petrol or methanol (although propane and other flammable fuels will also be compatible). A parts list will be published and we'll be open to "pic'n'mix" orders whereby if people find they already have some of the parts the price can be reduced accordingly.

The basic kit will be for one engine mounted behind the rider and over the rear wheel, the "turbo deluxe" kit will include two engines mounted either side of the rear wheel.

If you are seriously interested send your details (Name, Address, Email, MB forum ID, and Kit desired) to [email protected] when production is ready we envisage implementing a fixed refundable reservation fee something in the region of $21(10%)-$85(50%) with the balance to be paid prior to dispatch.

Thanks chaps will be interested to see the level of response and hear your thoughts.


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what an incredibly fun and innovative idea to do this to a motor bike, But if I wanted alot of speed I would just purchase a motor cycle . Anything over 30 mph on a MB is just asking for an accident . I hope you also have a lawyer write up a serious lawsuit proof disclaimer if you decide to actually make and sell these engine mods ?
Ahh thanks forgot to mention, the whole idea behind this is NOT to go 75mph etc. i agree if you wanna do that speed, just buy a $114.37 - $171.56 motorbike. The thinking is this kit would VASTLY reduce the weight by at least 10kg (not sure what that is in lbs) and provide a literal boost up inclines. These are meant to max out around 40mph...? will test and report back (of course if you're involved in the death race....permit me an evil laugh mwahahahhaha)
Regarding a disclaimer, you can bet the farm its gunna be watertight. i.e the customer releases all rights to sue etc...something along those lines. We will NOT be selling fully built bikes. Just the kits (of course if anyone has a go kart that needs some oomph...they're welcome to try)
Awesome Tiger. We have to work out a licensing deal for a US distributorship. This is just to dang funny. Gonna look awesome on a flying MB.
Two thoughts on that, could a) send a build manual and parts list for you to manufacture them and agree a suitable royalty fee or b) send stock to you and all US orders be forwarded to yourself. Thinking it might be worthwhile seeing if Jim could be useful in manufacturing them? If he sourced/fabricated the components would save cost....of course, thats not to say you couldn't.....!
Wow! So, soon we can get a rocket booster for those steep hills? Darned good price too. Double the fun. Hey, didn't some of these old cruisers have fins? That'll be a kick in the pants to turn on that afterburner when I hit those hills. Would be great if it runs on pump gas or propane. Easier to obtain. .fly
The fuel injection system is designed to take either gas or liquid fuel. Currently it seems if using liquid fuel, gas is still required but we're working on a fix for that. Gas engines will be cheaper due fuel being compressed to not requiring a pump. Guesstimated price would be $20-$40 less than the above mentioned price.
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There will also be awards, special mention, and booby prizes for those who verifyably perform the following.

*Appear on or in the news with their new jet powered bicycle, dressed as a WWI fighter pilot (including helmet googles and flying scarf preferably wired so it flaps)

*Utilise the engine for a comedy purpose, i.e create a jet toaster/flying potatoe/jet powered pushchair......let your imaginations soar

*Getting booted from the Spooky Tooth death race.

and so on
If that sucker blows up in my crotch, I'm not sure if I should call my lawyer or just go with the burn...............duh.laff
Ever notice Tiger is never around when Super man is?


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If that sucker blows up in my crotch, I'm not sure if I should call my lawyer or just go with the burn...............duh.laff

Not sure what you'd be doing with it anywhere near your crotch....but, whatever floats your boat pablo! hehehehe of course if thats your thing i think a shrink would be better call than a lawyer!
The idea is effectively a luggage rack mounted one or a double kit with the engines mounted either side of the rear wheel WELL away from the meat and two veg!!!
I see your point....I mean I got ya....well you know I will be well fore of the explosion when she lets go.