Flying motorized bicycles


There are ultralight aircraft called Powerchutes. How cool would it be to fly an MB!? Any one in New England with welding skills want to do a bike like this with me? Bet they would sell well.

One could motor to a field then deploy the chute.

The vid "WARNING: Risk of Addiction" looks like it would be easy to master b4 getting killed.

(The related vid to the right; "Dan's first crash" snork rotfl)
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Re: Flying MBs

Ya, I thought about that you could have it so the wings fold up , and if you got tiered of regular rideing you could put the wings out and fly away. Would yours have wings? I am in Daytona Florida, so I couldn't weld anything I can't weld anyway. Let me know how it turns out though that would be cool.
Re: Flying MBs

Oh, okay I just looked at the video, reminds me of the guy who flew into the Evander Holifield fight and got beat up remember.
Re: Flying MBs

I was thunking a chute that could be folded where a V mounted engine would be. No wings just a sail.
Re: Flying MBs

One big thing about a flying bike is you'd have to add another engine and a prop. A prop on a bike could be a scary thing to me. You would need significantly more hp on the prop engine than the little china girl engine. You'd add lots of weight to a bicycle and the vibration would make a regular bicycle frame short lived. Many other things involved when you enter the field of powered flight. Could it be done? Certainly. Would it be expensive? Probably around ten times more than your wildest expectations. This is just my opinion though. I would love to see someone do it. If you do be sure to post lots of pictures...............................
Re: Flying MBs

Just strap on a backpack powered chute' and sit on your bike, might need a seat belt to keep the bike once you take off though.
Re: Flying MBs

Or just leave the bike on the ground whilst you fly around with the backpack powered chute. Why haul around the extra weight. Thats it, build a trailer to pull behind the bike to haul the backpack powered chute. Take a tour of the country on the bike. When you get to a really cool place you want to explore just strap on the backpack and go cruise around in the air. Land back at the bicycle and ride to your next location. That would be the best of both worlds..................
flyke flies

Actually there have been flying bicycles for some time. Here is a link to a picture of a flying bicycle.

There other examples as well. One example has an engine like the HT to drive the bicycle on the streets as well as peddle power. The prop and motor are easily removed so you can just use the motor assisted bicycle.
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Re: Flying MBs

no this back pack idea would really work just use it for the propel the bike too, as long as you do not land in a profesional fight, get beat up.
Re: Flying MBs

What I am thinking is a prop driven MB (thanks for the pic Twowalks, exactly) with a sail. Just a rack mounted motor, prop and sail (parachute) Would not be a terribly efficient MB, but could fly and run like any MB on the ground. The sail could be stowed in frame where a ChinaGurl motor would sit. My biggest worry is the balance. (that and power lines! lol) I spent today looking at emergency landing places. With "peddle assisted take-offs" I can launch from the back yard.

This is gonna be KEWL! If I live, I will write a book.
Re: Flying MBs

What I am thinking is a prop driven MB (thanks for the pic Twowalks, exactly) with a sail. Just a rack mounted motor, prop and sail (parachute) Would not be a terribly efficient MB, but could fly and run like any MB on the ground. The sail could be stowed in frame where a ChinaGurl motor would sit. My biggest worry is the balance. (that and power lines! lol) I spent today looking at emergency landing places. With "peddle assisted take-offs" I can launch from the back yard.

This is gonna be KEWL! If I live, I will write a book.

If you look behind the rider in the picture, there is a yellow bag. In the bag is the Paraglider. It attaches to the frame around the prop. The frame is then bolted to the back of the bicycle frame. That motor unit can be removed and using a harness system, worn on the pilots back.
Re: Flying MBs

Twowalks, yes, like that but what I am working on. The bike will be the platform. Not a connivance for flight gear, but the flight capible unit.
Re: Flying MBs

LOL, I just joined a forum of PPC folks who fly these things. They love the concept but think a MB will not work. and a few are wanting to buy chinagurls. lol

Its lonely at the bottom
Re: Flying MBs

last time I saw a flying bicycle I was stoned and going over the handlebars rotfl