Flying motorized bicycles

Re: Flying MBs

You might want to keep all this on "the down-low" as I understand the men in white suits are looking for you. Walter F.
Re: Flying MBs

You might want to keep all this on "the down-low" as I understand the men in white suits are looking for you. Walter F.

I have paper work from some fine institutions stating that I am sane! Whom do you know who can say that?((..or need to..)

This can be done. Has been done only we can do it better!

"D-Day: War's over, man. Wormer dropped the big one.
Bluto: Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? **** no!
Otter: Germans?
Boon: Forget it, he's rolling.
Bluto: And it ain't over now. 'Cause when the goin' gets tough...
[thinks hard]
Bluto: the tough get goin'! Who's with me? Let's go!
[runs out, alone; then returns]
Bluto: What the **** happened to the Delta I used to know? Where's the spirit? Where's the guts, huh? This could be the greatest night of our lives, but you're gonna let it be the worst. "Ooh, we're afraid to go with you Bluto, we might get in trouble." Well just kiss my ^^^ from now on! Not me! I'm not gonna take this. Wormer, he's a dead man! Marmalard, dead! Niedermeyer...
Otter: Dead! Bluto's right. Psychotic, but absolutely right. We gotta take these bastards. Now we could do it with conventional weapons that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.
Bluto: We're just the guys to do it.
D-Day: Let's do it.
Bluto: *Let’s do it*!

Dan "need a bigger box" Keav
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Re: Flying MBs

Now I REALLY like that. A dunebuggy/powered parachute. I'm gonna have to build one. I got a couple of Corvair motors, hmm, might be a fun build...........................
Re: Flying MBs

Ok Dan, ive got an alum canoe, we can put two bikes one it, front and rear. Twin engines!!! one pushing and one pulling! i think with all that power we might not have to go the hydrofoil route. But if need be i'm boneing up on my alum welding skills! Many years ago i was an FAA lic. airframe and powerplant mech. , lol many many years ago! but it will all come back to me! lol, ive been building 35% scale r/c aircraft for about ten years now so i think between your math and my experiance this project should be a no brainer!!! (can't stop laughing long enough to type). I am longing for the lift off!!!soaring above the clouds etc. etc. . Also just a thought.... how about a smoke system to wow the crowds? There's nothing like beautifuly executed aerobatic manuvers accented with smoke!( its also a good way for them to find us if something goes haywire, which of course could never happen). Anyway lets keep them creative juices flowing! Joe

ps: now i need time to build bikes! Oh well priorities!
Re: Flying MBs

LOL Jacliny, and wow! "FAA lic. airframe and powerplant mech" Very cool. I hope to have a working platform ready long before the Hartford rally. I am going to do the first one in wood (the hull) as I am only set up with wood working tools. But you got me thunking about aluminum! And 2 canoes as pontoons? Most of the flying boats I am finding are zodiacs, ridged plastic bottoms with inflatable hulls. Might be the way to go but think they start @6K$ And, dunno. "it has been done" keeps popping in my head. Also thinking of outboard floats on the out side of wings. In all the vids the craft look like swans trying to take off and ungainly. About to heal over and in need of constant correction. No way you could just sit in the water with wings deployed.

Would the trailer/hull/ be more properly called the "Gondola"?

I have yet to price the wing, but think thats gonna be a killer. But dang this is fun. Having dreams flying up the river and buzzing Hartford from just above the water and treetop level.
Re: Flying MBs

Just back from home depot. In reading articals about how to build small skiffs, the whole thing would be very heavy and over built using wood and epoxy for this. It would not be put to work in bad weather so, eh... Wondering around I saw a large bathtub. Could almost work and would have a funky look. The boats first mission is to facilitate a larger boat that is a floating hotdog cart. Hold me and 2 coolers and not roll over or swamp. Bathtub would be cool but then a cradle with wheels would have to be made. (After thought; keep the drain plug, snork)
But am thinking a fiberglass half egg shape made from an aluminum skeleton and chicken wire mesh. Would look like a deviled egg with wheels and a rear facing prop. I am thinking bike wheels on the back with shocks and one wheelbarrow wheel forward. Wide, flat rear bottom.

Or I am just gonna keep looking for skiffs and small boats on CL. OK, both. Carol just asked what I wanted for the holidays, "A motor!" lol so thats in the mail.

As an MB trailer/pusher, I will have to have a second throttle that can either be detached from bike or long enough to circle back to be secured on the boat. Or just tow it and launch.

I am planing on regular V brakes on both rear wheels. But thats not absolute yet either.

Now I have to find a forum for building fiberglass boats. I love Google!!!

LI Joe, What would you charge for the Egg shaped gondola thing? Would just be a big "T" that warps like a hug, with ribs and mounting spots for supports.
Re: Flying MBs

How heavy would it be if you built a light frame, covered it, and filled it with Great Stuff? Sure, you'd use a truck load of cans of the stuff, but it is light, durable, and I think would hold up to flight stress as well.
Re: Flying MBs

How heavy would it be if you built a light frame, covered it, and filled it with Great Stuff? Sure, you'd use a truck load of cans of the stuff, but it is light, durable, and I think would hold up to flight stress as well.
Thanks Hiker, Made me think. But might be bulky and a lot of $. Could work as a filler though.....
Wonder if that would work with a failing inflatable hull?

8.5 achilles inflatable
Re: Flying MBs

You guys are starting to spin my wheels into getting my bicycle up in the clouds!
I don't see why one of these engines wouldn't work for flight. A good example of bicycle powered flight can be seen here:
Human-powered aircraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If someone can build a bicycle powered airplane, why not throw a small 2-stroke on it as well! The trick is to come up with the right set of plans for strong, yet light weight construction.

When I think of an engineless plane, I think of a glider. What if an Ultra-Light glider was built, but with a prop on top as some of these R/C models are, that was driven by pedals? That would work pretty good I think. Then an engine could be thrown into the works as well.

The hardest thing about flying (pretty much) is learning to land and the slower the plane the easier it is to learn it, but that's coming from a natural-born thrill seeker!

Re: Flying MBs

Never underestimate the power of a small group of people to change the world. In fact it’s the only way it ever has. – Margaret Mead"

Why not? whats the worst that can happen? (Except for the whole falling back to earth thing)
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Re: Flying MBs

I just found this. The top rotter is unpowered. Might be an option although I honestly don't understand how it creates enough lift. It would be a lot easier to balance and I would think cheaper and more dependable then a cloth wing. Also, not sure I could still use a boat as a platform.
Any thoughts?
YouTube - Flying motorcycle

Autogyro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


  • gyrocopter001.jpg
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Re: Flying MBs

Yeah, I forgot about the gyrocopter. Cool video BTW. The rotor on top acts as a lift just like a wing on an airplane. If you live in windy enough conditions, I've heard you don't even need a pusher motor on those things. Those things are real popular in Australia for sheep herding or something like that.

I saw plans to build a gyrocopter on Ebay for $5, but what that guy did incorporating a motorcycle into the picture is a great idea and could be also done with a engine kit, I'm sure!
Re: Flying MBs

Yeah, I forgot about the gyrocopter. Cool video BTW. The rotor on top acts as a lift just like a wing on an airplane. If you live in windy enough conditions, I've heard you don't even need a pusher motor on those things. Those things are real popular in Australia for sheep herding or something like that.

I saw plans to build a gyrocopter on Ebay for $5, but what that guy did incorporating a motorcycle into the picture is a great idea and could be also done with a engine kit, I'm sure!

Oh man Hiker, Oh man!! This is lookin' like a winner! Mind is realin' here.

Light Flight: Gyrocopters

There is a forum for every insane thought I have!!Light Flight: Gyrocopters I found you good folks by accident, looking for a bike for the wife. Lord! We live in exciting times.
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Re: Flying MBs

Gyros take a lot longer to get off the ground than a good part 103 ultralight.

They can also be put into a forward tumble that is unrecoverable.

If you seriously want to build a motorized bike/plane, try looking to the delta wing planform- no stall, superior stength to weight ration and they don't take up as much room as a plane.