Gas spills...leaky cap


Active Member
I have painted my tank about six times!!!!! I apply a two part color, silver base then a red (candy) topcoat. Followed by two coats of clear. I use the best quality rattle can I can find. Like with most things I try, I end up redoing it so many times by the time I'm done I have it mastered. My problem is with my gas cap and rough terrain. Gas leaks out of the cap. I've tried to use two rubber gaskets (no help). Anyways!! Is there a product or way that I can use to protect my paint from the gas leaking?
Well the problem with spray can paint is that it has no hardener or catalyst, they are usually lacquer or enamel. The only way I know how to prevent the damage caused by gas is to use catalyzed paints, like urethane or epoxy, these need to be mixed right before spraying then put on with spay gun. I realize this doesn't solve your problem but a local body and paint shop probably wouldn't charge much for just a tank paint.
I do not know the answer, but how about a brush on poly over your spray job. I have used it on camera cases and had them get gasoline spills. It seems to repel them but I'm not a 100% sure.
My gas on the tank usually come from spills not leaks but then I haven't really ridden mine very much yet. I have spilled some though.
mine comes out a little around the cap. gonna watch for some caps and see if i can find one that has a better seal and will post it if i find one
mine comes out a little around the cap. gonna watch for some caps and see if i can find one that has a better seal and will post it if i find one

Yeah mine dribbles a bit as well....maybe a better cap will help.
Try Engine enamel from an auto parts store, they don't have a lot of colors but it will stand up to the fuel. I use "Engine Kote" clear for the top coat, and Krylon for the colors. Have fun Dave
Thanks for the "engine kote" tip. MY tank is starting to have a nice loudy patina from gas dribble eating up my clear coat:)
I used regular rattlecan Krylon with good results. Let it dry for 48 hours before you get fuel on it.
I have the same problem. The only fix I could come up with is not to fill the tank up too much. I usually go less then 1/2.
I'm pretty sure if the cap was well sealed, fuel would not flow so well.....
I agree with pablo, I think the air pressure pushes down on the fuel. If it were a vacuum without a return line there would be no way for the fuel to flow. Sounds logical anyway.
Saw it happen with my own eyes......fuel flows substantially faster with no cap.
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FYI: I did some research on the web conserning the problem with getting gas on your paint job on the gas tanks. Duplicolor @ Dupli-Color : Yes You Can has some very good paints and they have a two part clear coat that is oil and gas resistant. Some very good products and new type paints are on the site and there is Qtime how to video to introduce the products and give you an idea on what they do. I also remember in one thread someone ask about hi temp paint for the engine and vht for the exhaust header and muffler. The motor paint is good up to 500 degrees and the vht is good to 1200 degrees. I hope this information helps. I have five new bikes and six engines to get busy on assemling and plan on doing the fenders and gas tanks matching colors and either buff the alum. cases, or paint them with the Duplicolor engine paint or powder coat them. I come up with a simple design for the front motor mount thats strong and you dont have to drill a hole in the frame. I will post it as soon as I ground down the welds, It's been 12 years since I used my mig and the first one I welded is not as smooth and clean as it should be. I just got back in to bikes after a 45 plus year lay off working with cycles & scooters. I'm really motivated after seeing all of the members bikes and great ideas.
I painted my tank with craft paint lousy job but I clear coated it for with paint from the autostore/ the clear coat went on three of four times and I have not had a mark since. I think I would paint it with anything again then hit it with three or four coats of auto store clear coat.