High Performance Dellorto carb found!


I have copied this bit of info over from my Rotten Orange build thread in the photo area, since I figure it might help some folks looking for high quality performance carburetor.

Ok.. In the last 8-10 hours, Ive gone through just about every carb manufacturer, small motorbike manufacturer, and all the aftermarket carbs I could find and finally found/ordered the carb I'll be using for my Rotten Orange build.

The carburetor is a Dellorto 16.16 SHA 16mm:

These SHA carburetors are available in 12, 14, 15, and 16mm outlet sizes, and a number of other sizes in their other product lines. See this site (where I purchased the carb above):
SHA : Dellorto Carburetors, And parts for you.

Other reasons I picked up this carb over other similar small engine carbs:

1) This carb does not use a sliding cylinder and needle to meter air and fuel simultaneously. It's got a small lightweight flat slide that meters the air instead and has separate jets to meter fuel.
2) This carb is jetted, and all manner of sizes of jets are available for proper tuning to my bike's build configuration.
3) Every single part for the carb is available from the www,dellortodirect.com site above and prices are VERY reasonable.. about as cheap as HT carb parts!
4) This carb is a 2 stroke carburetor by design.
5) Dellorto has a comprehensive tuning guide (which I picked up as well with my order)... I'll let you all know how it helps with the tuning.
6) All throttle (and clutch cable feeds) into the carb are replaceable with 40, 50, 70, and 90 degree elbows, all from the above site. This solves problems with top bar clearances in some HT installs (like my last one).
7) This carb uses a 19mm manifold clamp and so is a DIRECT BOLT IN for 48cc HT motors (ccording to my measurements)
8) This carb is a very compact unit compared to other carb options.
9) Dellorto carbs are used on some of the best of the best 'exotic' superbikes (Aprilia) as well as automotive uses (Porsche). So, they definitely know their stuff.

The parts breakdown of the Dellorto SHA carb:

SHA Carburetor Parts [SHA Parts] - $0.00 : Dellorto Carburetors, And parts for you.

This particular carburetor is available in both cable choke and lever choke for the same price (about $63). I ordered the cable choke, so I can actuate the choke from the handlebars using a spare shimano thumb shifter with the ratchet mechanism removed, thus keeping my hands on the "wheel" so to speak.

I will be fabricating a custom intake manifold for this carb to let me put the carb exactly where I want it, and will allow me to portmatch both ends of the manifold EXACTLY to match the carb and the HT engine. One interesting thing to note is that the Dellorto 16.16 SHA uses a 19mm manifold clamp. The intake manifold from my 48cc slanthead HT kit measures exactly 18.89mm, so this Dellorto carb is a DIRECT BOLT ON for at least the 48cc HT engines.

I also get a cool sticker for my MAB that not many others are going to have:

Like I said.. I am obsessive compulsive about this stuff..
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Wow that seems like a nice carb. I know that the flat slides are more of a performance carb on motorcycles, and considerably more expensive than round slides. Keep us posted....
We've been eyeballing that one for a little while. I bought a knock off version of that exact one. And just like that one and the HT, there are a bevy of jet size options.

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Wow, that looks like a top carb. I bet there will be no shortage of fuel at top end with that carb. May I ask what is the venturi size?
The one I ordered is a 16mm venturi. I will measure it when I get the carb.

While searching for carbs, I put some low bids in on some potential carbs I found on eBay. So, I ended up scoring a mint 18 or 19mm venturi mikuni carb off ebay (for $12!) that I might fiddle with. Came off a 65cc 2 stroke bike.

This Dellorto should easily be well enough carb for these chinese HT engines (especially the 67-70cc's). It will be much needed on my bike as I found a tuned pipe expansion exhaust I will be adapting for the Rotten Orange build. My bike is gonna be particularly nasty when it is done... (in a good way).

once I get the new carb and work on tuning it, I'll get a chart posted for jet sizes for others to try for their setups.
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Ok.. I have a boatload of photos of the carb, which I received today. The tuning guide I ordered ended up being for tuning a tapered needle type carb, so is useless for this SHA type. I'll see what I can find for a tuning guide online.

Here are photos of the carb:

Here she is.. Dellorto 16.16 SHA:

You can see the flat slide here, and look at that big bore!

The air filter side of the carb:

Here's the filter. Looks like an oiled expanded aluminum filter. Should flow nicely:
Here's the choke mechanism. The choke is spring loaded, so it will return to the unchoked position easily.

Measurement of the mounting clamp:
0.740", or approx 18.79mm. Looks like the plastic insert could be removed and replaced to accommodate different diameters.

The cable tubes up on top of the carb are fully adjustable, both position wise, as well as the cable tension, complete with lock nut.

Even includes weatherproof rubber seals for the cable adjusters:
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Now, some comparison photos side by side vs the stock HT carb!

Dellorto 16.16 SHA on left, HT carb on right:




Pretty much identical to my Dellorto knockoff (imagine that),

Differences with my Ding Xing:

1) I didn't get the air cleaner or spring clamp or seal, and I don't have anything I can fit. Maybe I can buy the AC from Dellorto, or for $50 get a K&N.

2) My choke lever doesn't have the cable unit (but does have the throttle release spring and latch (cool))

Maybe fit and finish are not as nice.

Cool - thanks for the photos!!
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Does it have an air screw adjustment? I only see an adjustment for the idle...

edit: The screw on the side is an idle adjustment adjustment screw. Tuning is done through jetting changes.

edit: That is the only adjustment I could see on the carburator.
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Here you go, you can get the real deal filter element for $9:
SHA Air Filter [D6117] - $8.66 : Dellorto Carburetors, And parts for you.
The air filter cover for $4.50
SHA Air Filter Scoop [D6183] - $4.50 : Dellorto Carburetors, And parts for you.
And the cover clip for $1.60:
SHA Air Filter Clip [D6235] - $1.60 : Dellorto Carburetors, And parts for you.

So, for about $15, you can get the rest of the real thing for the knockoff. :)

WOW awesome info!! Bookmark it Pablo.


The best part is that when you order Dellorto parts from that site, they include a 1"x2" Dellorto sticker. I hear that putting stickers on the bike will make the fake parts real.
Just ordered a dolerto for myself. Good luck and look forward to seeing your build finished. You have a great looking setup.