HHO Gas Mod - yay or nay?



New Member
May 13, 2008
I was poking around the web and ive seen this
"Learn how to mod your car so that it runs on part HHO gas so that your millage goes up and you save on regular gasoline."

Now, i believe that this is extremely possible...with a big 4 stroke engine...but would you have issues with running the same theory on a little 2 stroke engine? GRANTED you already get like...150mpg. BUT wouldnt emissions be down? (again..they are already low..but lets have fun here..)

Would you have trouble with the fact that there may not be enough oil to keep the engine from wearing faster?


I dont know a whole lot about the diff between a 4 stroke engine vs a 2 stroke except that 2 strokes are said to be dirtier because you burn the oil WITH the gas.(makes sense)

Any input?

I would think you could set it up just like the nitrous setups. Except it would always be on and we wouldnt be trying to give a boost. Just a little extra power(if reasonable0 and the ability to say "I get 1000000mpg on my bicycle"




Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
Ptown, Texas
I don't know much about HHO either. But I think you use electrical current in water to separate the molecules. With these bicycle motors you have very little electrical output. So I don't know how effective it would be. Very interesting subject though and I would love here what someone that really understands has to say on the subject...................


New Member
May 13, 2008
That is true..i was trying to think about how you could get more current....not to mention you would have to house the water and what not..


Master Bike Builder & Forum Sponsor
Dec 28, 2007
Duvall, WA PNW
And mostly a gimmick.....you aren't gonna get something out of nothing. The amount of energy required is not available and if it were, then there still would be a net loss....

Let's look at it this way - look what the car makers have done to make the clean burn 2009 USA diesels....some even carry 10+ gallon urea solution tanks for ammonia streaming conversion in the exhaust....now don'tcha think if the capitalists would do such a thing, they would have made commercially available brown gassers???


Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
Ptown, Texas
I'm always a synic. So since I think that way I figure if the hho was really viable, and GM could make a Suburban that would get 50 mpg, they would do it. Cause it would sell like hotcakes.

But I'm glad not everyone is a synic like me. Cause heck before Wilbur and Orville the "experts" said powered flight by man was impossible............rotfl


New Member
May 11, 2008
Santa Cruiz, CA
And mostly a gimmick.....you aren't gonna get something out of nothing. The amount of energy required is not available and if it were, then there still would be a net loss....

Let's look at it this way - look what the car makers have done to make the clean burn 2009 USA diesels....some even carry 10+ gallon urea solution tanks for ammonia streaming conversion in the exhaust....now don'tcha think if the capitalists would do such a thing, they would have made commercially available brown gassers???

Actually, there is not much electrical current draw, which is greatly offset by power output of the fuel. Do you get less fuel economy with your headlights on vs. off? Measurable? Not likely.

My neighbor has been fooling around with this for about a month, and has gone from 25mpg to 35mpg.

I can only guess the reasons manufacturers aren't diving in is because of vastly differing variables, such as water quality, etc... however, the most crucial thing is that it requires diligence on the owner's part to be on top of things and making sure levels/concentrations etc are proper. You wouldn't believe how many engines I've replaced because customers simply drove their cars thinking they didn't have to do anything except put gas into it. "I have to change the oil?" Manufacturers perhaps don't want to get a bad rep because their products aren't being used properly.

Here's a good example, the Ford Escape Hybrid is advertised as getting up to 45mpg (when battery only mode fully utilized). So people don't think or even read the labels, and complain when they're getting "only" 32mpg. But the morons think they can drive the way they used to and get better economy, but they never even drive under conditions where they engine will shut itself off.

Who will save us from ourselves?


New Member
Jan 20, 2008
Arizona Bullhead
Please keep an open mind.
Naudin is one of two websites that offer free stuff and encourage duplication. They will post your work , IF IT IS GOOD ENOUGH, if you want it.

BingoFuel (Alternative Fuels researches) by Jean-Louis Naudin

Water should boil at 82 degrees Farenheight. This is a fact
Water actually boils at 212 Farenheight. This is a fact.
Hydrogen Bonding in a H2O molecule.
Now I want a catalist, or process, that will not only lower the boiling point, but will also disassociate the hydrogen from the oxygen.

Build a plasma reformer!
From naudins site Quote The bubbler is a tank containing a mixture of water and hydrocabures (gasoline, diesel, kerosene, crude oils and others derived from hydrocarbons...).

The hot gas flow coming from the exhaust of the engine circulates by the outside part of the reactor with a strong kinetic energy, that contributes to bring up to very high temperature the steel rod (being used as heat accumulator) contained in the pyrolytic chamber. (MUFFLER???)

Build a bingo fuel reactor and try it for yourself!

Or even wood gas.
From naudins site Quote
Prior to 1940, gas generator units were a familiar, but not extensively utilized, technology. However, petroleum shortages during World War II led to widespread gas generator applications in the transportation industries of Western Europe. (Charcoal burning taxis, a related application, were still common in Korea as late as 1970.)

A bar-b-que on wheels used for cooking as well as fuel.

From naudins site Quote
The material available through this site may be freely used for attributed noncommercial educational purposes only. We ask that due credit and notification be given the author.

Please be careful!!!!!

Look up LIFTER if doubt troubles you here.
This place is about science.
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Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
Ptown, Texas
I'm glad everyone is not a synic like me. I enjoy being proved wrong. But here's what gets me with the hydrogen gas thing. It's called the first law of Thermodynamics.

"The First Law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; rather, the amount of energy lost in a steady state process cannot be greater than the amount of energy gained".

But hey I'm glad there are people that think outside the box.:ride2:

I'm really enjoying this thread. Ya'll keep it coming...................


New Member
May 28, 2008
north bend wa.
hho is easier to do than any bike kit, the kits shown on the web produce hho at ambient pressure. the auto com$panies want you to have high pressure hydrogen tanks in your rig. the oil companies need this system to make money in production and fill stations. you can build a kit for about $5.00. a kit for your bike maybe 20 and a motorcycle 12v battery. it is easy and fun


New Member
May 28, 2008
north bend wa.
oh yeah hydrogen gas and browns gas are quite different, also there is no boiling water and the exhaust is water. you tinkerers would enjoy the experience.


New Member
May 9, 2008
There is one thing you might want to think about. If you want to convert to running brown's gas you need a four stroke engine. Water and oil don't mix. The engine would need to be self lubing.


New Member
Jun 11, 2008
New York
Just a few quick points.

Fuel cell looks cool but likely still too expensive to be worthwhile.

The brown's gas stuff is all a hoax. They've been trying to sell these garbage plans on ebay for years. You need to ask the simple question of, 'if this really worked wouldn't automakers be licensing it'?

The answer is that electrifying tap water causes corrosion on the leads plus metals in the water would build up and eventually effect the engine. Yes, you can solve some issues with platinum rods and using distilled water but than gasoline becomes the cheap alternative! (I think someone had a post somewhere that said using Fiji water would only cost like $96.00 per gallon, LOL. - It's not distilled by the way).

So have fun tinkering, just don't think that you you've found an overlooked resource for solving the worlds power problems.


New Member
May 4, 2010
I will try with the basics of what I think is needed.... then go from there

Hydrogen fuel cell (24pc mesh plate system)
12volt battery
12volt alternator
4 stroke engine for bicycle
and a big ol' trike

Wish me luck!

wish me luck on


New Member
Feb 5, 2014
United States
teo strokes run so hot all ready and hho burns 2 times hotter then gas you will end up melting your head piston you also have heat to deal with try it on a four stoke thats what im going to do


May 15, 2010
On a bike
Ive worked with this for years and no matter what you might read if set up properly it does work. You will need a PWM to get any thing good out of it. You will need to setup a generator and battery on your bike. Dont think of it as making fuel but as a combustion enhancer. Gas powered engines are not made to be efficient but to use as much gas as possible. As the HHO explodes it burns more gas. Ive checked out engines before and after. Before carbon (unburned gas) build up on the piston after all gas burned = no more carbon smoother running engine amazing gas economy but not around town. Ive only found improved economy on the open road where I can back off the gas and let the HHO do its thing.
I was poking around the web and ive seen this
"Learn how to mod your car so that it runs on part HHO gas so that your millage goes up and you save on regular gasoline."

Now, i believe that this is extremely possible...with a big 4 stroke engine...but would you have issues with running the same theory on a little 2 stroke engine? GRANTED you already get like...150mpg. BUT wouldnt emissions be down? (again..they are already low..but lets have fun here..)

Would you have trouble with the fact that there may not be enough oil to keep the engine from wearing faster?


I dont know a whole lot about the diff between a 4 stroke engine vs a 2 stroke except that 2 strokes are said to be dirtier because you burn the oil WITH the gas.(makes sense)

Any input?

I would think you could set it up just like the nitrous setups. Except it would always be on and we wouldnt be trying to give a boost. Just a little extra power(if reasonable0 and the ability to say "I get 1000000mpg on my bicycle"


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