Somebody once said we all have much more influence than we imagine on those around us ... I think that's true. Must be nice to find out you've been such a good example!"I watched you when you first started to ride in the neighborhood. I see you about every day. I just have to ask,'How much weight have you lost?"
"About fifty pounds," I replied.
"I thought so, you have been an inspiration to us all. In the last year since you started I have seem lots of senior citizens out on their bikes or out walking."
I had no idea anybody thought anything except I was the nut with the motor bikes. I had no idea that more people my age were out moving around because they saw me out riding. It's kind of what I hoped to promote someday but I haven't done a thing to start it yet.
Well I didn't think I had.
BTW, how did you lose the 50 pounds? I'm up to 200 now and need to drop at least 25 pounds ... 35 would probably be better. I'm about 5'10". I weighed in the 150 range most of my life. How I miss those slim, trim good ol' days! Somehow one day I woke up and was over 60 years old and fat ... can't figure it!?