New Member
(Now ya gotta tell that story too!)
OK... Here's the deal... "that story" is to be considered fictional for all legal and other purposes. This story contains drug use and extremely bad people who i fictionally might have been involved with at the time.
I once inherited a 1979 Pontiac Trans Am (firebird orange) appropriately, there were flames on it. (i would add my own later) It was equipped with the standard 400 c.i. small block V8. It was also equipped with not-so standard blower, roll cage, carburetor, rear end, six-speed, micky thompson drag radials... you get the idea. Not a street car. But the lights worked, and the ground clearance was legal, and the paint looked kinda stock.... and the doors opened and closed... and there was a passenger seat, sort of... and I was 17...........................
I drove it around town a couple of times, got pulled over a couple of times for the exhaust, etc. Like I cared? I was 17! and chicks dug the racing harness. I dug the way it fit between their..... OK, where was I?
Oh yeah... My buddy "Frank," who sold me the fungus and snow (interpret how u wanna) came across a Lancer Evo, and swore up and down that i t was faster than my uncle's ride. So, befuddled by the fungus and snow, there was only one way to find out....
When a raccoon jumps into the dark street, headlights reflecting off of his eyes, at about 3 in the morning, and that fungus suddenly activates, you will do three things...
1. You will vomit on yourself.
2. You will say it, then you will do it.
3. You will recklessly try to swerve out of the way of the monster in front of you who is trying to eat you.
If you are driving a 1979 Trans Am at about 135mph when this happens, you will also do one other thing: You will learn about speed-relative steering. Quickly.
The car rolled over and over and over and over..... I was NOT wearing my seat belt and was ejected through the driver's side window somehow, and came to with "Frank" telling me that my car was engulfed in flames "about 6 miles back," we were going to the hospital, and we were walking the last half a block, because his fancy new Lancer Evo was, in fact, his father's neighbor's fancy new Lancer Evo, but it was ok, he was out of town and didn't know it was gone.
Frank is a bad person. Now he is in prison learning that for the next 17 years or so.
I was treated for broken bones all over the right side of my body, a severe concussion, road rash like you never want to know in your life or the next, and crab lice. (last one is unrelated to accident lol)
Ahhhh... the things we fictionally and hypothetically did when we were young, dumb, and full of all of those magical little chemicals.....