Your Bicycle trail experiences?


New Member
Some trails allow assist bikes on the trails and some might not. I have seen a few do this and wonder if anyone has had good or bad times on these trails that were once the backbone railroads of the USA and Canada?? I suppose electric might have very little opposition in this department but it's not like I can run down a family of 7 or even a small cat, dog, bird.... deer lord.. Let me know what you think.

.wee. .sno.
hey RK. here in brisbane i have got a bicycle parth going alongside the highway all the way into the city. thats just 1 of them. there are 700km of bike tracks around brisbane.
hey RK. here in brisbane i have got a bicycle parth going alongside the highway all the way into the city. thats just 1 of them. there are 700km of bike tracks around brisbane.

See here in the USA one might meet a person of law who would rather take the bike than read the law books his pension job requires. It all depends. Most police have bigger fish to fry that a person trying to get from point a to point b in the freezing or rain on a home built contraption. Hmmm wish I could ride that one.. We should all get extra motors and travel when possible.. Kinda like a youth hostle for bike motorists.. I go there you hook me up and you come here I hook you up.. Trails will always BLOW AWAY driving the nasty streets.. Nature is so much more mind comforting.... Blah
Can't ride motor assisted bikes on multi-use paths in AZ. We have to ride bike lanes (next to an automobile right of way) or the side of the road. Same rules for gas and electric in AZ.
I think that is similar in Illinois but I am not sure about Indiana. Actually I have been told that these are flat out banned from street use all together in Illinois. I have seen them in Chicago though. Tough call. Any solid knowledge is always useful. Thanks
I guess it is no big deal to ride on these bike trails.. Some are posted no motorized.. but I doubt it is enforced much... who knows.
Some Trails say no motorized vehicles, because many in FL like to ride ATV's and cars down them. I ride my motorized bike on them, I just act responsibly and go slow, and when I see someone, I pedal by them while the engine is idling. So far, so good. There's even a trail that runs by a police station, and they leave me alone.

Wearing a bicycle helmet helps also, because it makes you look like a bicyclist.
Some Trails say no motorized vehicles, because many in FL like to ride ATV's and cars down them. I ride my motorized bike on them, I just act responsibly and go slow, and when I see someone, I pedal by them while the engine is idling. So far, so good. There's even a trail that runs by a police station, and they leave me alone.

Wearing a bicycle helmet helps also, because it makes you look like a bicyclist.

Sir you have bowling balls riding past with that rig!I like it though. Is it quiet or does it sound like a lawnmower going past while in idle? Your rig can be disguised better than any other rig here I think. We are tomorrows post office workers I think.... wonder...

I have been into bike trailers (heavy duty homemade) for 10 years now.. Sad how time flies by.