Your a/c unit sucks

Mike B.....looks like you are good to go...Just put AC in my garage too..after all these years 100degrees is just to much out there..still OK during the day with the door open and the fans on but after dinner I shut it down and turn the AC on out there
Hey Mike,
Good decision on the 95 percent furnace upgrade.
Since it looks like it's in a closet make sure if it has a closet door that's louvered. I can't tell from the picture, looks maybe like a pocket door.

Also since they used a one pipe venting system make sure you don't use or store any solvents, bleach or household chemicals near the furnace in the winter.

There has been a lot of problems with secondary heat exchanger failures in the past few years. Since it is a condensing furnace which cools the products of combustion so much , the water in the exhaust condenses out. If chemicals, particularly bleach (chlorine) are in air that the burner uses for combustion, the chemical reaction will eat the heat exchanger from the inside out, similar to a cars exhaust system. Class action lawsuits have convinced most manufacturers to revert to using stainless steel secondary heat exchangers, not polypropylene coated aluminum.
Damage may take a few years, but even warranty claims cost homeowners money.

Yeah, it works real good. About 2X better than the original.

The closet door is sealed. The closet space is vented to the attic which is vented to outside air. Nah, no chemicals are stored in the closet. The heat exchanger is stainless steel.
Summer solstice baby.

It's 99 out here outside and 83 in the house. 1440 sq-ft, stock tract house insulation and stock tract house windows.

AC running for 7 minutes, off for 17 minutes.

I like it - :)
Summer solstice baby.

It's 99 out here outside and 83 in the house. 1440 sq-ft, stock tract house insulation and stock tract house windows.

AC running for 7 minutes, off for 17 minutes.

I like it - :)

While I have a low fire in my wood stove to fend off the chill and damp of rainy weather in the forest. I have had a fire in the mornings more often than not this June. I had to put the fan on one day when it got into the 80's.
Thanks for that initial post-good info there....I had no idea. One thing I want to know is if there's a filter on those types you put in a window. My wife's got one of those, but I've never paid much attention to it.

By the way, I'd be happy to trade all this cool air we have here for some of your heat! I don't think it's been up to 80* yet here and all it does is rain, it seems!

Silverbear....looks like a/c is something you'll not need buddy.
Enjoy that woods and don't let the bugs make a meal out of you.

I gotta tell you I do enjoy going to work in a tee shirt and shorts every day.
Hot and dry is what pays my bills (almost anyway)
Still gotta wear long pants, gloves, helmet etc when I ride.

Remove the front panel on the window unit. The filter is a thin sheet of foam
right behind the plastic front cover. Hot soapy water does the trick usually.
Enjoy summer!!

It's the only season where women proudly display their assets.
