you guys with cent clutches

adam valentine

New Member
OK i got my cent clutch installed yesterday today i took it on a good ride and Ive realized top speed is 8-10 mph slower and the same hills i went up with out assistance I now have to help it out and any sort of incline slows me down fast anyone else notice this does the clutch perhaps have a break in period ?
I assume you're talking about an add on centrifugal clutch for a 2 stroke China girl engine, correct? No break in period that I'm aware of. If it is slipping then you need to tighten it down better. Also give it some help from a dead stop by pedaling. That's about all I know. If it keeps slipping you'll need to key the shaft.I no longer have a HT automatic so someone else may be better able to advise you. Rockenstein is pretty knowledgeable with these. Maybe he can help you. I think Corgi has one, too. There's an old thread called centrifugal clutch blues which might help.
OK i got my cent clutch installed yesterday today i took it on a good ride and Ive realized top speed is 8-10 mph slower and the same hills i went up with out assistance I now have to help it out and any sort of incline slows me down fast anyone else notice this does the clutch perhaps have a break in period ?

If it's slower like you say it's likely the adapter is slipping on the crankshaft or the clutch bell is rubbing on the cover. I've seen both happen...
to anyone who has a centi if you decide to remove it with the tool supplied i recomend cutting a grade 8 bolt that fits in the bolt hole so the tool has something to push off of. I had the tool actually thread itself into the crank and not only would the clutch not come off but i b i t c h e d up the threads on the crank and had to replace it. as for power loss i only noticed a bit off the top I can still rip wheelies too