You can get anything you want at Alices Restaurant


New Member
Feb 16, 2011
sacramento ca
Guess where I rode the Indian to this weekend?

I should explain, outside of Redwood City CA there is a Mecca for motorcycles, Alices Restaurant. Hundreds of motorcycles of all types. My Wife had to work this last Saturday and I put the Indian in the Pick-up truck to Redwood City and rode into Skyline. I had a blast! There were so many cool bikes to look at and people to talk with. 99% of the folks thought the idea of making a replica bike was really a great idea. There are always the 1%ers out there that for one reason or another are not impressed or are even cynical. They probably paid full price for the real deal, Lol! I recommend getting to Alices with your ride on a Sat or even better on a Sunday to mingle and look. We should have a predetermined get together some weekend for those in Northern CA.
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