Yo From Central California


New Member
Just finished my Dax 80cc, without a problem. I did replace intake studs (Ace Hardware had them) and got a front engine mount from Sick Bike parts. After reading all the things that can go south I didn't expect it to start, but to my surprise it started right up. Not much vibration. My only concern on my 7 speed Kent Beach Cruiser is the brakes suck. Is there better or softer brakes pads that can be used?
Welcome....yes, check with the bike shop, and take the old set with you....don't mention the motor.
Hi guys Im from N Florida and just got my zoom 80 cc slant head engine on my wally cranbrook with all fenders removed and wow is it fast 30 mph. i weigh 265. Now for the chain rub on the back tire. Will shim it out or buy 190's. Where would be a good place to buy washers big enough to fit over dust caps on wheel bearing to shim the 44 sprocket out. I love the pickup no pedaling except for the start even up hill. I have a total of 134$ in my 1st setup. Oh took me 6 hours for the first. but the rest cake walk. Lovin It!!!!!!!