would you pay more for a MB engine kit made in the U.S.?

Would you pay more for a MB engine kit made in the U.S.?

  • Yes. I would pay $50 more.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Yes, I would pay $100 more.

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • No, I would choose the cheapest I could find. They are all the same.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I don't think it's worth it.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • I do not vote in polls.

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
Man, I'm glad I asked and thanks for replying! Really cool part about folks here is way conversations meander. The not restricted to any one demanding we stay on topic. All my favorite threads wonder. Direct result of the not restricted to inside the box thinkers. (you lunitics, snork)

One of the first mods started a thread about carbs or some thing, when the forum first started. 38 pages later we were posting pictures of cats and stories about stupid stuff they had done. Just set the tone for here that I enjoy so much.

So please, let fly with any thoughts you have on this. Or what ever. And thanx again!

An option I am looking into is repurposing American made engines for our thing. From http://www.stillmadeinusa.com/garden.html
(and to keep a list in a findable place)

  • American Lawn Mower Co. (Shelbyville, IN): Lightweight push reel mowers are good for the lawn, the planet, and you! Models still made in USA: 1404-16, 1705-16 (also sold under the Great States brand as 404-16 and 705-16) (as of January 2013).
  • Ariens Corp. (Brillion, WI): snow blowers and zero-turn mowers for consumers, plus commercial lawn equipment and specialty mowers for landscapers, golf courses, and sports turf.
  • Palmor Products, Inc. (Thorntown, IN): makers of Trac-Vac lawn vacuums and accessories for garden tractors and zero-turn mowers.
  • Rich Mfg. (Thorntown, IN): manufacturer of Convertible Mowers, zero turn mowers that convert to a walk-behind. Mowers use Kawasaki and Kohler engines.
  • Snapper (McDonough, GA): all Snapper lawn mowers are made in USA. Lawn tractors are made in Port Washington, WI; commercial equipment is made in Munsville, NY; and other Snapper products are made in McDonough, GA.

I really do believe the future belongs to the electrics but there will always be a spot for the ICEs. With the amount of resources being poured into battery development, just a matter of time before it's the better choice or at least the more logical option for commercial uses. But can't replace the joy of tinkering
Hey Dan, since you said you didn't mind if we meander, I thought I'd put my 2 cents worth in. Remember these are just my ideas of the perfect motor and no one has to agree with me. I'd like a 4 stroke built similar to a Briggs & Stratton only narrow enough to fit between the bicycle cranks, with an internal flywheel somewhere around 100cc to 125cc. Why would that be the perfect motor for ME? Because I've built two Briggs bikes and loved them (except for the width) because when I leave home I'm sure I will get back home. And I hate the sound of a little motor sounding like it is working it's self to death just to run 25mph. Oh yeah, I also hate to mix gas and oil, I would rather have the convenience of pulling into a gas station and filling up. Just so you know, I have only built one HT bike and it turned out fine, ran good, top end WFO was 40 mph. But it just wasn't the kind of ride I was hoping for. I have one more HT kit to build and after that I'm going back to Briggs and just learn to live with the width. Bottom line, a Briggs & Stratton motor is reliable and I don't believe a HT motor is. Remember, none of you have to agree with me, this was just my opinion and we all know what that's worth (lol). So in closing to answer your poll, No it wouldn't be worth it to me. Hope everyone has a good day. Thank you.
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Sounds like a whizzer type motor to me? Only made by Briggs. Maybe everyone should send a request to Briggs, be nices to have one like it..............Curt
Hey Dan, since you said you didn't mind if we meander, I thought I'd put my 2 cents worth in. Remember these are just my ideas of the perfect motor and no one has to agree with me. I'd like a 4 stroke built similar to a Briggs & Stratton only narrow enough to fit between the bicycle cranks, with an internal flywheel somewhere around 100cc to 125cc. Why would that be the perfect motor for ME? Because I've built two Briggs bikes and loved them (except for the width) because when I leave home I'm sure I will get back home. And I hate the sound of a little motor sounding like it is working it's self to death just to run 25mph. Oh yeah, I also hate to mix gas and oil, I would rather have the convenience of pulling into a gas station and filling up. Just so you know, I have only built one HT bike and it turned out fine, ran good, top end WFO was 40 mph. But it just wasn't the kind of ride I was hoping for. I have one more HT kit to build and after that I'm going back to Briggs and just learn to live with the width. Bottom line, a Briggs & Stratton motor is reliable and I don't believe a HT motor is. Remember, none of you have to agree with me, this was just my opinion and we all know what that's worth (lol). So in closing to answer your poll, No it wouldn't be worth it to me. Hope everyone has a good day. Thank you.
Cool and thanks for the thunk. And opinion/vote, DRK.

That is my fanticy as well. A Z angle of >5" that allows for regular, non duck peddling. Think there might be an engine that would fit but can only find it in 2 smoke. Just Don't like the angry bee sound of 2 strokes. I know some folks love em. But I personally prefer the sound of a lawn mower and weed deckers grate on me.

This is gonna sound odd but I am thinking about going not for profit. There was a change in the law that makes it possible for me. Less expensive. I don't care about money and won't miss a meal so why not?

But this would allow me to apply for grants and would make crowd sourcing more doable.

Gonna think about this. Gonna head home now. Typing on a cell is laborious and annoying.

But thinking 5" width 4 smoke with manual clutch.

It really is doable.

To achieve 501 c 3 status...

I'll finish latter. It's involved. Doable, but a big ol' PITB.
Hey Dan, if you don't mind make it with a round crankcase so it don't look so much like a lawnmower engine and more like an old single cylinder motocycle engine. LOL.
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LoL, DRK. Bite me...

Kidding Buddy. Just spent an hr working on getting the not-for-profit 501 [c] [3] designation. Turns out my sole prpritorship, EIN is not good enogh and i have to elivate to an LLC designation and then apply for 501 c 3, non, we make no money. Which now will cost $500 bucks to not make money, snork.

WE ALL WANT ROUND HEAD.... wait, wut?

Honestly, kidding. I just suck at the legal and fed, tax, corperate speak stuff and am already frustrated.

BTW, Im gonna need some one to be an officer in the corperation. Any volunteers? Not kidding! It is a requierment. And pays nothing. So thats fun.

Gonna set up a meeting with SCORE and the SBA and see if there are any work arounds or easier paths.

Really was kidding DRK. Man is this frustrating...

Do we have any members who work in this stuff? Any one know?

I actually enjoy these kinds of projects. The legal stuff sux but the rest is fun, though.

This is the plan, so far. Well, the goal. Help folks who cant afford cars. Are under employed and need to get to the exciting job oppertuinities in fast food and whatever. Higher any help in manufacturing with folks who are on SSD, welfare or are some how chalenged or at risk kids. Last is my personal mission. [Now that would be cool. To help!]

Ha, DRK. Thread started out as I needed a slide for a presentation proving I could make money producing American made kits. And now we are working hard to not make money. Which is gonna cost $500 to start. 2 funny.
adding a cam & valves to the 2-stroke motor that fits so well in frame might be nice - could preserve the manual clutch

check out the vertical motors built by enfield for US indians back in the 60s - undersized and under-powered, but really good looking motors

don't really care if built in US or by turtle ranchers in ethiopia, but a bit better quality would be nice
I learned a long time ago not to volunteer for anything. Besides I'm no good at anything except turning wrenches. I thought the round head was a given.LOL You produce one and I'll be the first to buy it. Best of luck.
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LoL Curt.
I was up for a state grant of $10,000 to start this. But have to reapply if we are going not for profit.

I'll post a link but the way CTnext does the grant process is you submit a pretty normal application with proposal. But then you do a shark-tank, tv show style presentation in front of a board and an audience. Google CTnext+EIA awards. Then click on videos. It's an awesome event. Very cool! Kinda a hollywood style event. Any one wanna go in September? Tickets are free and they buy you a drink. But some majorly cool contestents. They do not compete against each other. All applicants can win. And I could really use the support! Email me and i will give you a link to get the free tickets.

But, anyway. I just wrote them about our plan to become a 501 c 3 and what to do to reapply. After that meeting, will post whats gonna happen or where we go from there.

This is the fun part! And we really can do some good along the way to satisfying our own selfish, filthy, filthy wants with better kits....

Wut? Snork

[Just a fyi thing. All my endeavors have to be win/win/win.

Good for me/us 'cause ya can't do anything when your out of business. Good for the end consumer so they are happy and keep ya in bussiness. Make God, the universe or the Force (Luke) happy and grin.
It's kinda dumb but following this has searved me really well. And yes. I know it's a little odd but has always worked for me.

But never make that part of business loan application. They just smile politly as they tell you "perhaps next time....." lol
I learned a long time ago not to volunteer for anything. Besides I'm no good at anything except turning wrenches. I thought the round head was a given.LOL You produce one and I'll be the first to buy it. Best of luck.
LoL! That really is the way to go.

Said a guy who is retired from the Merchant Marine. Ya volunteered by some one pointing at ya and informing you, you had. (just volunteered)

I so understand, Buddy.
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Dang Greg! That is awesome!!!!

I'm still on the road and didn't look at what ya sent but gonna look at this hard!

Side thing but boxed up that thank you, Buddy.

You Rock Greg! ty
Greg, after watching that again, can you imagine Tom's reaction to seeing that vid and seeing it as a MB engine? LoL.

He'd be throwing stuff in excitement.

Seriously, great find and thank you!
Glad to see you looking into making engines/parts. This probably the best time in decades to try such an endeavour. Without mentioning politics, both sides of the fence favour American made or bettered products. We all know that adds expense, but I like to get value for my money. Since there are too many manufacturing flaws in most CG engines currently made, I am looking at engine vendors who at least go through or modify their engine inventory before sale. Good Luck and keep us updated on your plans!

Robert, in researching and playing, wanting to sell the concept to folks, your thoughts are exactly right. Also avoiding the political. It really is the exactly right time.

Part of the pitch for the grant is that most predictions are that 80 to 95% of the U.S. populace will forgo car ownership in our life time. I so personally doubt that but gonna be a big impact and as folks in this thread have said, people are gonna want cheap and instantly available. (beer run, outa bread or milk, etc.)

How cheap is the Uber, self driving bubble gonna be, how quick and how independent.

Wanna just go and sit at the park or stalk an ex?

I am just agreeing with you on the timing thing.

Here in CT, a 2 wheeled is not a great option 4 or 5 months a year. Thinking surries. Or the like.
how hard would it be to connect two two stroke crankshafts togeather to build a twin two stroke

It's been done and more than a few threads on it Mike. I personally didn't think it a great idea but never tried it my self. But is doable.

Not advising against it, in any way. I have just not attempted it. What are ya thinking?
thanks for not thinking im crazy,its just a thought rite now but i know a guy that might be able to machine some cases if i can come up with a plan.im going to look in the threads to find whats been tried
LoL Mike. I think "crazy" is an understatement and sort of a prerequisite to taking perfectly good bicycles, strapping motors on them and if we live, talk about it.

Vote Bluetarski and vote often!