WOOOOHOOOOOO we have lift off!!!


New Member
Hi Kidda's...well i couldnt wait any longer...so i left work early today got the petrol...and oil.....did my mixing thing.....gave my baby (bike) the once over....crossed my fingers and gave it a go...and WOOOOHOOO started first time!!!! had a few little test drives around...its official im hooked...shame it was goin dark...were a few little rattles so will check again before tommorows little play...anyway just wanted to thank you for the support so far....i look a right div(silly) in my shorty helmet...but better to look silly then messed up...ok....question.....who on here has named there bike? c'mon it cant just be mednut
quite a number of people have named their bikes.

I can't think of a name for mine yet, so it is still nameless.
Know what you mean not being able to wait and is a great high first time ya fire it up!

I name each and every one! LOL. Funny thing is each has a personality all their own. Same kit on same bike and will be different then it's sister.

They are my babys. Be wrong not to name em.
has anyone had any comments or first hand knowledge on Harbor Freight. I just bought a 4 stroke 6.5hp Greyhound engine it was on sale for $100. A sprocket from andyinchville sellls for $40. bucks less shipping, so I figure why not. Anyway anyone with any info Id appreciate it
Howdy FM. Need big time gear reduction. Lots of power there, @3,600 RPM and 6.5 HP, wow.

How are you going to mount it?