Winter riding -20 and up to -50 winterpeg

So this morning's weather was -26celcius (-16F) I think the windchill may have dropped the temps a few degrees. Anyway I figured I'll take my bike for a ride to work. Well on the first kick she started. Peddled a few blocks until the motor warmed up and all was well on a 19km (12mile) run. Winnipeg potholes are what you got to look out for.
Well not much pot holes on the busy streets because they usually fix it but the back streets and roads that are not in use much yes there's tons of pot holes deep enough to destroy a rim it happen to my first MB the back rim was totaled the side wall was done and the front was to luck for me the tire just went flat and I had to walk it home at least it wasn't snowing o yea they were 1.25 skinny tires after that incident I switch to 2.125 inch knobby tires much better at talking bumps. Oh yes and the hidden ice under compact snow that's always fun and the lovely windchill.
You guys are nuts!

LOL, just kidding. ;)

I'm almost tempted to ride my bike in the cold just to see what kind of improvements to performance you get with cold air. The thing is I have grown to HATE cold weather, so no thanks.
I hate snow but it's always fun over taking cars when there's a huge snow fall going on to I didn't get the benefit of increased performance when I took it out it was harder to start though probably because the oil was thick due to the weather.
Make a platform on the bike and build an igloo-stay inside while riding--that way you stay out of the wind LOL !
Hey guys I love riding these little motorized bicycles in the spring through fall and I was wondering would it be good to run these engines in the winter cause it can be severe sometimes like -40 and such block heaters are needed here in Winnipeg for winter and if it's ok to try and start it while cold if it is,there any motorcycle gear that runs on internal battery's also heated snowmobile visor not a motorcycle battery's I really want to ride this winter it's just more fun.

It's -20 right now, and I'm going for ride tonight...switching over to snowmobile oil helps alot. I use super snowmobile oil at 24:1 ratio non synthetic. If ur goin to ride through winter, be very carefull- it's very dangerous-watch out for that black ice.... and everything else :):):):)
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Thank you. I ordered a set of the $7 ones. For $50 I'll stick with small dollar store gloves inside big dollar store gloves. I didn't even bother to save the link for the $260 ones :eek:.

I wish they still sold mittens locally like in the Old Days. They are much better than gloves at keeping hands warm.
I don,t know about your motor or ur oil, so I cannot say.
It is -21 celcius which is 5 below zero farhenheit and I just got back from a 5 mile ride that was very stressfull. This Is my second winter that I ride my power bike. If you have no experience ridding in the winter I strongly advise against it. Some times it's just way too DANGEROUS!! ..I have 12 winters experince of ridding a regular pedal bike, only because I had to. Seriously, I'm really surprized that I made it back in one peice tonight.:-0
P.S. If you ride in the winter you really gots to know what you are doin.:-/
Hey guys I found something very interesting at my local Canadian tire handlebar muffs I got one for 34$ with taxes I havent tried them yet I will tomorrow mourning heres the link on what they are manly for snowmobiles and atv Handlebar Muffs | Canadian Tire it did have a bad review but I dont use a huge jacket to begin with I use my leather jacket which pretty warm and is much better than my insulated winter coat.
ah those mitts are the ticket..... jiffy up a set of heated grips and you will only need to keep some gloves in your pack for friggin' around ;)
That's pretty cool, thanks Anthony. I am thinking it would be pretty easy to jury rig some thing like that. Any amount of wind you keep from going up your sleeves would be a great help.
Yes winter riding could be dangerous.
I ride about 5 miles to work.
And 5 miles home.

Through the City on salted plowed roads.

Wear nice carhart jacket under my Leather Jacket.
Also wear a full face Dirtbike Racing Helmet.

Biggest danger to me would be getting run over.

Don't think i'd ride much more than 15 MPH on bad roads.

Hopefully worst case if i take a spill i'd have enough time to get the bike out from under me with a foot on the ground.

Other than a Breakdown sticking me in the cold i'm not too worried.

but i will feel much better with studded tires.

Any advice?
I made some handle bar muffs out of the arms of and old coat, work great this morning it was -11 with a wind chill of -36 best thing for those cccooolllddd rides. Make your own studded tires.
Blakenstien, I hear ya on the stress factor, a totally gripping experience.
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I got the handlebar muffs to today I'll be taking it out around 2 am that's when it's the coldest -26 and a 6km/h wind might go up later tonight. The muff's aren't to shabby I'll be test with my leather insulated gloves that froze my finger tips I also got battery heat socks as well it does'nt show the temp but the guy that told me about them said he goes ice fishing with the socks and there toasty and quite comfortable I'll post some pics of my bike for people that don't know what I'm talking about tomorrow better for my blackberry camera later folks.