Will motorized bicycles run in the rain?


Custom MB Buiilder
Hi, I listened to our local weather man, Dead Wrong Dale, and headed for a short ride, 6 miles. No rain coat, no nothing. I was wearing bib overalls gloves t shoes. A mile into back home, boom. Instant flood. No shelter no nothing. The little Dax did not miss a beat! These little motors rule! I almost drown. Tape your CDI wires and procede! Sure miss that wind shield tho.:ride2:
Re: Will MB's run in the rain?

I got caught monday in the rain, blew the front tire at about 25mph. I put a heavy duty tube and new tire on the front. But the motor ran fine and I hit some deep puddles on the way. My logic is, if it not raining when I leave then go for it, those weather men are always wrong.
Re: Will MB's run in the rain?

Yup, also been riding in the rain... You do have to keep your air filter dry...since it's between the legs, it's dry enough...rotfl

You must have disc or drum brakes to safely ride in the rain. V-brakes are useless when they're wet.

I always bring some rain gear, but my shoes still gets wet. Just put them in the oven to dry them up. Sometimes, I wait under the bridge until the rain subsides...:D

I do check the weather at National and Local Weather Forecast, Hurricane, Radar and Report
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Re: Will MB's run in the rain?

I've ridden in the rain a few times. Luckily I've only been caught unprepared once. The other times it was raining when I left, so I was prepared.

It really takes the shine out of your muffler for some reason. Makes it all dull looking.
Re: Will MB's run in the rain?

ive gotten caught twice now in the rain. motor runs great! i carry some rain gear now in my backpack on days that im leary of though, cuz i got soaked head to toe.

i taped off my wires and the only problem i ran into was my head light. it wasnt weather proofed. now i carry one of those shower cap looking things that are made for small dishes for the light and a rubber band to keep it on. rotfl
Re: Will MB's run in the rain?

ive gotten caught twice now in the rain. motor runs great! i carry some rain gear now in my backpack on days that im leary of though, cuz i got soaked head to toe.

i taped off my wires and the only problem i ran into was my head light. it wasnt weather proofed. now i carry one of those shower cap looking things that are made for small dishes for the light and a rubber band to keep it on. rotfl

Yeah, my taillight shorted out from the rain. Didn't know till I went to use it at night. Oops.
Re: Will MB's run in the rain?

i left for a 10km trip on a saturday not a cloud in the sky,on the way back i saw some really dark clouds,not to long later it poured and hailed. I took shelter under a tree but i was still get badly wet, so i started to ride home it the rain. When i got home my shoes where full of water and my back pack was like a pool.
Re: Will MB's run in the rain?

:ride:I have been caught in the rain many times on my commute to and from work. Thankfully it's only 3 blocks each way. I have plastic clip on fenders front and rear, my CDI is wraped in a latex swimmers cap, the wires are taped, and I also use shower caps to keep my seat dry while it's not being riden. I work outside in the elements year round so I already have a full set of rain gear and water proof boots. I look prety silly in the mornings when I leave my condo, the neighbors laugh at me all the time but they all LOVE my MB!

I am also running V breaks on the front and a coaster in the rear. pretty scary ride in the rain for sure! I really need to convert to disc breaks soon.
Re: Will MB's run in the rain?

Is the "flu" fatal? Sure feels like it. I got "Dead wrong Dale's" picture on the wall now. I throw darts at it! He's going to attend a benifit next week. I'm going to make sure I shake his hand. Ahhh, Choke, sneeze, cough...
By my latest calculations I need to feel 7.4% better just to die. rotfl
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Re: Will MB's run in the rain?

I live in S. Louisiana and have ridden in 3 hurricanes (delivering gas, candles, and meds) but that was during the feeder showers or the eye of the storm on the bikes we could go places the cops could not(c).... as a matter of fact my boyfriend and I have a them song RIDERS OF THE STORM (^).
Around here it always rains in the winter so I keep a poncho in my bike bag and other than having to cut a turn to tight and my back tire going out from under me I have never had any trouble in the rain but then again I took my fender off (before it fell off) and put a school boy rack on the back (NO more skunk tail) put 2 bike baskets on the rack and have carried over 150 pounds of cargo + myself and the bike had so much better traction it was amazing.
