Why does Federal Law say my car is NOT a motor vehicle?

When your old, you tend to live were the times were good and you hoped for a new bicycle at Christmas.

Also when one of the Moderators shuts down a thread he puts "Goodnight Gracie." on it when it's done. Don't know why since he is much younger than me so he must have heard about Gracie from his parents.

When your old, you tend to live were the times were good and you hoped for a new bicycle at Christmas.

Also when one of the Moderators shuts down a thread he puts "Goodnight Gracie." on it when it's done. Don't know why since he is much younger than me so he must have heard about Gracie from his parents.

Not THAT much younger. Burns & Allen. The show always ended with George and Gracie standing on the front porch and they would recap the events of that episode.
George would end the show with, "Say goodnight, Gracie" and then he'd puff on his cigar.

See, I do remember. :)
