Why do Motorized Bikes have to comply with repealed laws?

I think that you are wrong on that, just like if you had a car on the street that was parked and had some kind of violation you will still be ticketed.
You don't have to be driving the car.
Cops can even go into public parking areas and ticket cars.

The only place you would be safe is on private property.
However most cops aren't going to push it unless they have it in
for you.

How can you get a ticket for "operating" a 500cc bicycle if the engine is not running on a public street at the time you get pulled over? If the engine is not running, how can you be "operating" said engine? Is it illegal to "transport" a non-running gas engine or anything else for that matter on a bicycle? I want to see that law if it is.
I don't see the big freaking problem here. Everything they "claim" required by law, repealed or not, is a good idea, dont'cha think. Good lighting, Well, of course. A brake light? Think about it. Yer doing at least 30mph. Why wouldn't you want to warn people behind you yer coming to a stop. I don't want some cager crawling up my a**. And what does it take to stick a reflector on yer spokes? Most bikes already have them anyway.
I've just never seen where turn signals are required, although I do have them on my bikes cause they look cool. I also have it registered, again, cause it looks cool and it's only $19 for life.
Look guy's, yer basicly riding a "Moped" on the street. Show me a moped you would or could run without reg., lights and all the other safety carp that comes on a factory built moped. Just cause you built it yourself and think reflectors aren't cool and registration is for sissies ain't gonna get you out of that ticket. Do ya really think the state is gonna let a motorized ANYTHING on the street without regulating the stuffin out of it?
I wanna be a outlaw too, It's just that I can afford to make a bike compliant better than I can afford tickets, court costs, the time, and all the hassles that getting a ticket involves.
I STILL don't have a M-2.(OMG, I AM an outlaw.) Guess I'm looking for that ticket after all.

There is absolutely no problem at all with being as safe as possible UNTIL a cop says you have a be as safe as a FULL BLOWN MOTORCYCLE (which is physically impossible) because "IT'S THE LAW" and that's what "he was taught in Cop Class". Then I have problem with the law he claims to be following. If youre going to put references to Federal law on you DMV sites and train cops to refer to that law then fine by me.......as long as the law SPECIFICALLY refers to us MB'ers. Don't lie and say it does, when it clearly does NOT. I read both Fed laws, line for line last night.
You no read the story. :)
He had ALL the legal stuff to be a motorized bicycle but the cop
thought he should comply with Motorcycle laws.

Of course I did. I was simply making a generalization on the debate about the M.B. laws in California.
The guy said he was not ticketed or detained, just hassled a little. You can get that just walking down the street in Ca. If a cop CAN give you a ticket he WILL give you a ticket. Obviously the cop couldn't give him a ticket or he probably would have.
I have a tadpole recumbent, (looks like a gocart,) and have had cops turn purple trying to figure out a way to ticket me.(My favorite line from a cop was, "You can't ride that thing on the street!") I said, It's a motorized bicycle officer, SEE THE PEDALS?.(Turned another cop purple, So much fun) So ya just gotta expect to be hassled if it looks like yer having too much fun.
The only thing I'm not sure of is turn signals. I don't see where it's required under the Motorized Bicycle laws. But just to make sure I put them on my bike anyway. I can't think of anything on a motorcycle that's not on my bike. So yeah, ya gotta make it look like a motorcycle, and you'll probably get hassled anyway just cause most cops (not all,) are ignorant and bored and have nothing better to do.
Of course I did. I was simply making a generalization on the debate about the M.B. laws in California.
The guy said he was not ticketed or detained, just hassled a little. You can get that just walking down the street in Ca. If a cop CAN give you a ticket he WILL give you a ticket. Obviously the cop couldn't give him a ticket or he probably would have.
I have a tadpole recumbent, (looks like a gocart,) and have had cops turn purple trying to figure out a way to ticket me.(My favorite line from a cop was, "You can't ride that thing on the street!") I said, It's a motorized bicycle officer, SEE THE PEDALS?.(Turned another cop purple, So much fun) So ya just gotta expect to be hassled if it looks like yer having too much fun.
The only thing I'm not sure of is turn signals. I don't see where it's required under the Motorized Bicycle laws. But just to make sure I put them on my bike anyway. I can't think of anything on a motorcycle that's not on my bike. So yeah, ya gotta make it look like a motorcycle, and you'll probably get hassled anyway just cause most cops (not all,) are ignorant and bored and have nothing better to do.

If states want to lower the boom on MB's then so be it. There's nothing I can do about it, BUT don't put some outdated and irrelevant law on your DMV site and tell me that my MB has to comply with it because I will look up that law and any other Fed law. States wanna get lazy and say the Feds got MB's laws covered up and down, because they can do no wrong, so we don't need any other laws to cover them? Really now? LOL
i doubt the state wants to "lower the boom" on MBs. i think one cop was having a bad day and decided to hassle you.

you say you read the whole safety act. i think you missed the words "motor vehicle" a coupla hundred times in your search for the words "motorized bicycle."

the one section that mentions busses, cars and trucks is mostly about airbags and safety restraints. since none of them are on a 2 wheeled vehicle, there's no point in mentioning them.

sure, the act was repealed. to change the name. in your first post, it points out that everything is pretty much the same as it was before.

a cop can't impound your bike as long as it's registered and you have an M2 license. unless you have a warrant, are drunk, whatever. lights, horn, etc are all fixit tickets.

if he wants to be a jerk, he could write you up for anything.

what YOU should do, is smile, take the ticket, and go away.

the law is clear on the equipment requirements. if you go to court and plan to argue some obscure motion about the law being repealed and only applies to busses, you better have a good lawyer. and a lot more money than it would cost to add a horn to your bike, or a mirror, or whatever.

you also better make sure it's a motorized bicycle under the letter of the law. under 2hp and 30mph. can't be modified to go over 30, etc.

if you're gonna make a big deal over nothing, to get back at the cop who made a big deal over nothing, then the judge is probably gonna make a big deal over nothing.

this isn't cannonbal run, or the haymarket massacre, or ruby ridge. this is a cop in a bad mood and a kid on a bike who won't respect him.

didja see the video where the LA cops (one of them a 20 year veteran) beat up a chick for using her cell phone while driving (the "knuckle bump" at the end is classic...)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHYMS44lI34

i got a ticket in Newport Beach a long time ago for not wearing a DOT helmet, no M2, and no registration. i was polite without kissing ass, and rode home with a $395 ticket. i got a helmet, got a permit, and got a plate, and went to court and paid 75 bucks in court fees.

my step dad's advice still rings true; "if you're gonna tell a cop to go **** himself, wait til he's already left."
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i doubt the state wants to "lower the boom" on MBs. i think one cop was having a bad day and decided to hassle you.

you say you read the whole safety act. i think you missed the words "motor vehicle" a coupla hundred times in your search for the words "motorized bicycle."

the one section that mentions busses, cars and trucks is mostly about airbags and safety restraints. since none of them are on a 2 wheeled vehicle, there's no point in mentioning them.

sure, the act was repealed. to change the name. in your first post, it points out that everything is pretty much the same as it was before.

a cop can't impound your bike as long as it's registered and you have an M2 license. unless you have a warrant, are drunk, whatever. lights, horn, etc are all fixit tickets.

if he wants to be a jerk, he could write you up for anything.

what YOU should do, is smile, take the ticket, and go away.

the law is clear on the equipment requirements. if you go to court and plan to argue some obscure motion about the law being repealed and only applies to busses, you better have a good lawyer. and a lot more money than it would cost to add a horn to your bike, or a mirror, or whatever.

you also better make sure it's a motorized bicycle under the letter of the law. under 2hp and 30mph. can't be modified to go over 30, etc.

if you're gonna make a big deal over nothing, to get back at the cop who made a big deal over nothing, then the judge is probably gonna make a big deal over nothing.

this isn't cannonbal run, or the haymarket massacre, or ruby ridge. this is a cop in a bad mood and a kid on a bike who won't respect him.

didja see the video where the LA cops (one of them a 20 year veteran) beat up a chick for using her cell phone while driving (the "knuckle bump" at the end is classic...)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHYMS44lI34

i got a ticket in Newport Beach a long time ago for not wearing a DOT helmet, no M2, and no registration. i was polite without kissing ass, and rode home with a $395 ticket. i got a helmet, got a permit, and got a plate, and went to court and paid 75 bucks in court fees.

my step dad's advice still rings true; "if you're gonna tell a cop to go **** himself, wait til he's already left."

Not one word in any Federal NHTSA law (including the new and improved 1994 law) refers to anything less than a "motorcycle". The word "motorcycle" is not just a word but a legal definition. In CA that definition does not apply until cross the 150cc mark. For the DMV to say that your motorized bicycle has to comply with Federal Safety laws that have nothing to do with motorized bikes is......well simply put.....not legal. There's a reason the motorcycle cop told me he just went to class for motorized bike laws. He said "LAPD's gonna start enforcing those laws". "Lower the Boom" or "We're Gonna Start Enforcing Those Laws". I'll let you do the math as to how those two statements are different from each other. LOL


A motorized bicycle is not a "motor vehicle" according to the CA DMV. It does not exist in the VC. I just call it like a sees it. LOL

i doubt the state wants to "lower the boom" on MBs. i think one cop was having a bad day and decided to hassle you.

you say you read the whole safety act. i think you missed the words "motor vehicle" a coupla hundred times in your search for the words "motorized bicycle."

the one section that mentions busses, cars and trucks is mostly about airbags and safety restraints. since none of them are on a 2 wheeled vehicle, there's no point in mentioning them.

sure, the act was repealed. to change the name. in your first post, it points out that everything is pretty much the same as it was before.

a cop can't impound your bike as long as it's registered and you have an M2 license. unless you have a warrant, are drunk, whatever. lights, horn, etc are all fixit tickets.

if he wants to be a jerk, he could write you up for anything.

what YOU should do, is smile, take the ticket, and go away.

the law is clear on the equipment requirements. if you go to court and plan to argue some obscure motion about the law being repealed and only applies to busses, you better have a good lawyer. and a lot more money than it would cost to add a horn to your bike, or a mirror, or whatever.

you also better make sure it's a motorized bicycle under the letter of the law. under 2hp and 30mph. can't be modified to go over 30, etc.

if you're gonna make a big deal over nothing, to get back at the cop who made a big deal over nothing, then the judge is probably gonna make a big deal over nothing.

this isn't cannonbal run, or the haymarket massacre, or ruby ridge. this is a cop in a bad mood and a kid on a bike who won't respect him.

didja see the video where the LA cops (one of them a 20 year veteran) beat up a chick for using her cell phone while driving (the "knuckle bump" at the end is classic...)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHYMS44lI34

i got a ticket in Newport Beach a long time ago for not wearing a DOT helmet, no M2, and no registration. i was polite without kissing ass, and rode home with a $395 ticket. i got a helmet, got a permit, and got a plate, and went to court and paid 75 bucks in court fees.

my step dad's advice still rings true; "if you're gonna tell a cop to go **** himself, wait til he's already left."

If being lumped in with full blown motorcycles (as far as safety equipment is concerned) is not "a big deal" for a bicycle with a motor on it, based solely on a Federal statute that makes not one mention of MB's as it's guide for local cops to follow, then I guess I should just shut up and take my ticket then. I had it wrong the whole time I guess. Stupid me.
i doubt the state wants to "lower the boom" on MBs. i think one cop was having a bad day and decided to hassle you.

you say you read the whole safety act. i think you missed the words "motor vehicle" a coupla hundred times in your search for the words "motorized bicycle."

the one section that mentions busses, cars and trucks is mostly about airbags and safety restraints. since none of them are on a 2 wheeled vehicle, there's no point in mentioning them.

sure, the act was repealed. to change the name. in your first post, it points out that everything is pretty much the same as it was before.

a cop can't impound your bike as long as it's registered and you have an M2 license. unless you have a warrant, are drunk, whatever. lights, horn, etc are all fixit tickets.

if he wants to be a jerk, he could write you up for anything.

what YOU should do, is smile, take the ticket, and go away.

the law is clear on the equipment requirements. if you go to court and plan to argue some obscure motion about the law being repealed and only applies to busses, you better have a good lawyer. and a lot more money than it would cost to add a horn to your bike, or a mirror, or whatever.

you also better make sure it's a motorized bicycle under the letter of the law. under 2hp and 30mph. can't be modified to go over 30, etc.

if you're gonna make a big deal over nothing, to get back at the cop who made a big deal over nothing, then the judge is probably gonna make a big deal over nothing.

this isn't cannonbal run, or the haymarket massacre, or ruby ridge. this is a cop in a bad mood and a kid on a bike who won't respect him.

didja see the video where the LA cops (one of them a 20 year veteran) beat up a chick for using her cell phone while driving (the "knuckle bump" at the end is classic...)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHYMS44lI34

i got a ticket in Newport Beach a long time ago for not wearing a DOT helmet, no M2, and no registration. i was polite without kissing ass, and rode home with a $395 ticket. i got a helmet, got a permit, and got a plate, and went to court and paid 75 bucks in court fees.

my step dad's advice still rings true; "if you're gonna tell a cop to go **** himself, wait til he's already left."

You gotta love this though.

A "motorcycle" is generally any motor vehicle with a seat or saddle for the rider, with not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, and weighing less than 1,500 pounds. Vehicle Code Section 400.

Why use the word "generally" at all? Why? Why not just say EXACTLY what the DMV says on their other page? Is it to sew confusion for cops, citizens or both? There is no vagueness on the page below. It's crystal clear.

You gotta love this though.

A "motorcycle" is generally any motor vehicle with a seat or saddle for the rider, with not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, and weighing less than 1,500 pounds. Vehicle Code Section 400.

Why use the word "generally" at all? Why? Why not just say EXACTLY what the DMV says on their other page? Is it to sew confusion for cops, citizens or both? There is no vagueness on the page below. It's crystal clear.

So what did the cop say when you pointed to your license plate?

Did you have the ID card on you and did you show that to the cop?

DMV said:

A "motorized bicycle" or "moped" is:

A two or three-wheeled device, capable of no more than 30 mph on level ground, and equipped with:

– Fully operative pedals for human propulsion.
– A motor producing less than two gross brake horsepower and an automatic transmission.
– An electric motor, with or without pedals for human propulsion. (CVC §406(a))

Driver must have a motorcycle license (M1 or M2).

A motorized bicycle is issued special license plates and identification cards, which requires a one-time $18 fee. No renewal is required
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All the "vehicles" as defined on this CA DMV site all have one thing in common that sets them apart from motorized bicycles in CA. Every one of them is assessed ongoing fees, DMV stickers or both for the life of the vehicle. Is that just a coincidence or is that because a motorized bicycle is NOT considered a "vehicle" in CA? I said it makes me wonder.

The website URL even has "fee-calc" in its URL. Guess I'm right then? LOL

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So what did the cop say when you pointed to your license plate?

Did you have the ID card on you and did you show that to the cop?

I had no plate and no ID. I wasn't stopped, detained or ticketed. The bikes engine had no chain connecting it to the wheel. I was solely on electric power that day. No plate or ID needed under CA VC 406B

When he said I was lumped in with a full blown motorcycle (regarding brake lights, turn signals, MC plate, registration, insurance, M1 license) despite all the above I mentioned, I just cackled like a Hyena. I'm sure he didn't appreciated that at I but I couldn't help it and its not illegal to laugh at a cop. I thought he was joking.

He also told me, "You ain't the only one building these things you know" and "I don't care what the CA DMV says on its site". I didn't know what to say at that point in reply. I was already getting under his skin so I quietly accelerated my out of there on electric power when he started talking to some Cop cadet. The cop said he had Space Shuttle duties and that if he was gonna be looking for me tomorrow. I said the same back to him. LOL
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So what did the cop say when you pointed to your license plate?

Did you have the ID card on you and did you show that to the cop?

I also have a problem with the whole ID thing as well. There is NO law in California requiring anybody to carry any identification. An M2 license is needed for VC 406A but not 406B. I was doing the 406B thing that day. I had valve and carb issues that day so my drive chain was disconnected from the wheel hub. I am getting the $19 plate tomorrow. I was on the fence on that issue but I'm not anymore.
I also have a problem with the whole ID thing as well. There is NO law in California requiring anybody to carry any identification. An M2 license is needed for VC 406A but not 406B. I was doing the 406B thing that day. I had valve and carb issues that day so my drive chain was disconnected from the wheel hub. I am getting the $19 plate tomorrow. I was on the fence on that issue but I'm not anymore.
The ID card I was talking about is the "registration card" that goes
with the license plate.
ID card ***IDENTIFICATION CARD*** at the top

i doubt the state wants to "lower the boom" on MBs. i think one cop was having a bad day and decided to hassle you.

you say you read the whole safety act. i think you missed the words "motor vehicle" a coupla hundred times in your search for the words "motorized bicycle."

the one section that mentions busses, cars and trucks is mostly about airbags and safety restraints. since none of them are on a 2 wheeled vehicle, there's no point in mentioning them.

sure, the act was repealed. to change the name. in your first post, it points out that everything is pretty much the same as it was before.

a cop can't impound your bike as long as it's registered and you have an M2 license. unless you have a warrant, are drunk, whatever. lights, horn, etc are all fixit tickets.

if he wants to be a jerk, he could write you up for anything.

what YOU should do, is smile, take the ticket, and go away.

the law is clear on the equipment requirements. if you go to court and plan to argue some obscure motion about the law being repealed and only applies to busses, you better have a good lawyer. and a lot more money than it would cost to add a horn to your bike, or a mirror, or whatever.

you also better make sure it's a motorized bicycle under the letter of the law. under 2hp and 30mph. can't be modified to go over 30, etc.

if you're gonna make a big deal over nothing, to get back at the cop who made a big deal over nothing, then the judge is probably gonna make a big deal over nothing.

this isn't cannonbal run, or the haymarket massacre, or ruby ridge. this is a cop in a bad mood and a kid on a bike who won't respect him.

didja see the video where the LA cops (one of them a 20 year veteran) beat up a chick for using her cell phone while driving (the "knuckle bump" at the end is classic...)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHYMS44lI34

i got a ticket in Newport Beach a long time ago for not wearing a DOT helmet, no M2, and no registration. i was polite without kissing ass, and rode home with a $395 ticket. i got a helmet, got a permit, and got a plate, and went to court and paid 75 bucks in court fees.

my step dad's advice still rings true; "if you're gonna tell a cop to go **** himself, wait til he's already left."

"the one section that mentions busses, cars and trucks is mostly about airbags and safety restraints. since none of them are on a 2 wheeled vehicle, there's no point in mentioning them."

I'm telling you there is NO section in any Federal Law that mentions anything about a motorized bicycle. I don't need a lawyer for that. A simple internet connection is all I need. It's not rocket science. The section that mentions cars and buses is THE section on the CA DMV website that says motorized bikes must comply with. And it was repealed and reissued in 1994 and even the new law mentions not one word about motorized bikes because it wasn't even a thought in 1994.

You don't have to believe cause I could care less if you don't. The new law from 1994 is right there on NHTSA's website for all to see. LOL

The ID card I was talking about is the "registration card" that goes
with the license plate.
ID card ***IDENTIFICATION CARD*** at the top

My mistake. You meant reg. card. Somebody give me a URL for one Federal law or statute that specifically refers to "motorized bicycles" that exists today and I'll go outside and eat a handful of dirt. All I need is just 1 URL. Don't all pile on at once. There's only so much dirt my stomach can handle.
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My mistake. You meant reg. card. Somebody give me a URL for one Federal law or statute that specifically refers to "motorized bicycles" that exists today and I'll go outside and eat a handful of dirt. All I need is just need 1 URL. Don't all pile on at once. There's only so much dirt my stomach can handle.
Federal law has nothing to do with CA law about Motorized bikes.
Federal is irrelevant to us in CA.
CA can make whatever laws they want about motorized bikes and
there are plenty of them on the CA DMV website.

Who cares if a motorized bike is a "Vehicle" or not.
It doesn't change anything.

What you are talking about changes nothing for someone trying to
be legal on a MB in CA
You still need all the stuff we have been saying all along.

And just to be argumentative you could get a ticket for riding an ebike
without ID. Will cost you about $200

Because you have a motor on your bicycle it is a MB even if the chain
ain't hooked up. Most cops are going to see it that way and act accordingly
just like the cop did to you.

The cop was wrong about your MB being a "Motorcycle" and if you had of
had the $19 lifetime plate and ID card he would have had to back down.
Federal law has nothing to do with CA law about Motorized bikes.
Federal is irrelevant to us in CA.
CA can make whatever laws they want about motorized bikes and
there are plenty of them on the CA DMV website.

Who cares if a motorized bike is a "Vehicle" or not.
It doesn't change anything.

What you are talking about changes nothing for someone trying to
be legal on a MB in CA
You still need all the stuff we have been saying all along.

And just to be argumentative you could get a ticket for riding an ebike
without ID. Will cost you about $200

Because you have a motor on your bicycle it is a MB even if the chain
ain't hooked up. Most cops are going to see it that way and act accordingly
just like the cop did to you.

The cop was wrong about your MB being a "Motorcycle" and if you had of
had the $19 lifetime plate and ID card he would have had to back down.

Actually you are incorrect. Federal law supersedes state law. All 50 of them.
Don't believe me, just look at this link.


There is no ID requirement for CA VC 406B.
Don't believe me? That fine. There's a link for that as well. LOL


How can can get a ticket for operating gas powered vehicle if it's gas engine is not operational? I would like to see a link to that law.

California is using a Federal Law to enforce it's own law and that federal law has nothing to do with motorized bikes even though the DMV would lead you to believe otherwise. That picture below pretty much says it all.

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There's not one thing or word "applicable", as the DMV states, to "motorized bicycles" in the old National Highway Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966, formerly codified at 15 U.S.C. §§ 1381 et seq. or the new and improved "Chapter 301 of Title 49 of the United States Code". So why does the DMV say that it's enforceable/applicable and located on the DMV's website like it has EVERYTHING to do with motorized bicycles in CA? It's a very simple question to ask.

Is the CA legislature to lazy to enact it's own MB laws? So they simply dug up something from 1966 and said that it applies to MB's.

Do they figure that none of it's citizens will ever bother looking up that archaic law to see if it has anything to do with MB's?

Was that what the motorcycle cop was taught in Cop Class and was using as a reference when he said my bicycle needed front and back brakes, turn signals, brake lights, high/low beam front light, moto plate, insurance, M1 license, registration?

Or is all of this just one big coincidence? I said it makes me wonder.......

Federal law has nothing to do with CA law about Motorized bikes.
Federal is irrelevant to us in CA.
CA can make whatever laws they want about motorized bikes and
there are plenty of them on the CA DMV website.

Who cares if a motorized bike is a "Vehicle" or not.
It doesn't change anything.

What you are talking about changes nothing for someone trying to
be legal on a MB in CA
You still need all the stuff we have been saying all along.

And just to be argumentative you could get a ticket for riding an ebike
without ID. Will cost you about $200

Because you have a motor on your bicycle it is a MB even if the chain
ain't hooked up. Most cops are going to see it that way and act accordingly
just like the cop did to you.

The cop was wrong about your MB being a "Motorcycle" and if you had of
had the $19 lifetime plate and ID card he would have had to back down.

"Who cares if a motorized bike is a "Vehicle" or not.
It doesn't change anything".

Actually whether the term "vehicle" applies to a motorized bike means everything. The word vehicle is also a legal definition. If it's not a "vehicle" then it's not a "Motor Vehicle" either. Regardless of the engine bolted to it, unless that engine is over 150cc. Any federal or state law referring to "motor vehicles" would simply not apply to a MB. It's that simple.

In the state of CA, a motorized bike is not defined as a vehicle on the DMV site. It's not taxed like one, it requires no yearly sticker like one. It requires no insurance like one. So no "Motor Vehicle" laws apply to it. All laws are and have to be specifically worded for a reason. So they can't be challenged in court. I could drive a Mac Truck through any ticket based on how the laws are worded and how the DMV defines the word "Vehicle" and the exclusion of how MB's are registered and one time fees the DMV collects on MB's. A lawyer would be in heaven if he got a MB case. It would be like a vacation for him. LOL

