Who sells the best engine kit for the bucks?

I can't answer the question of who has the best engine kit, but I can tell you who to get some qaulity parts. Take a look at the manic mechanic parts.htm, he's got some cool stuff, I bought a clutch actuator from him and was blown away by it, his prices are reasinable too.
ON another note, I purchased a head stud kit from sick bike parts, they sent me 4 cut lengths of allthread, If I wanted allthread I would have gone to home depot, they didn't even cut the lenghts right!
you do know why that is called china girl don't you.... I'll tell you anyway... You can not ignore her between rides and then expect her to let you ride anytime you want.

And that's the truth....

Well said she does demand attention but If ya give it to her shel go!lafflaff