who has a wii gaming system

Well here are my favorite games which I've played alot;-games that have skill levels I always go for the highest.

Super Nes;-Stanley Cup Hockey ,Nigel Mansel f-1 racing,Pebal Beach Golf.(Aboogaba w/ Alice Cooper, Jack Nickolas and The Glob)

Nes64: James Bond-James Bond World Not Enough, WAVE RACE

Sony 2 ; Grand Theft Auto San Andreas-(gold pilot&gold driver), Mercenaries,Mercenaries2,Grand Turismo,Ace Combat Zero-the Belkan War,Ace Combat5

PC.: Command&Conquer-Tiberian Sun
Red Alert
Red alert2
Yuris Revenge
My Command and Conquer series has consumed my whole winter-just finished GENERALS on hard skill-brutal enemy. I will play the last mission one more time(USA) and then I better put this all on the shelf........stick to shooting pool(San Andreas) grab a super car and start in Los Santos-shoot a game,then drive to Venturas-shoot a game,-drive to the desert by the millitary and my airport-shoot a game,and then its on to San Fierro -shoot a game and after that it's back to Grove street in Santos.

I like to finnish the round trip with the same car that I started with. Ya know whats funny is the last time I did that , I won all 4 games and got the car back home.

P.S. In Ace Combat5, I received the highest award medal that is given for landings and refulling. To bad it's only a video game. Oh well, thats the way it is I guess, I have two Great Uncles that flew real ones in World War Two.
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It was an Award but to me it was a reward to complete all the missions on those Ace Combat games on highest skill is not that easy.

I found Ace Combat Zero to be way more difficult, by a long shot.
There is an Ace Combat 6 out, but thats for Sony 3 & X-Box 360...and I have neither.

Yes that was in AC.5 -I'm not sure if they give them for that in Zero-I'll have to check.
It was an Award but to me it was a reward to complete all the missions on those Ace Combat games on highest skill is not that easy.

I found Ace Combat Zero to be way more difficult, by a long shot.
There is an Ace Combat 6 out, but thats for Sony 3 & X-Box 360...and I have neither.

Yes that was in AC.5 -I'm not sure if they give them for that in Zero-I'll have to check.

well im glad that you like those kinds of video game im more into RPG or MMORPG games.
do you ever play these games: world of warcraft, runescape, or my favorite mabinogi?
Yes I played War Craft on buddies computer back in 95 . War Craft is a high end game.

I'm not familiar with the other two. - Comand and Conquer -Yuris revenge is a lot like the old War Craft
An online golf buddy talked me into warcraft about 6 months ago saying that I couldn't help but like it. I mistakenly believed him. :)
What??? Do u play on line golf??? If so, which one and where??

I played a lot of video golf, then went out and learned how to play the real thing.-ended up lovin both.

I remember that T&E software (Telesoft) made the best video golf games..man, those dudes were experts...then they got bought out by Microsoft.
Links 2003..tigerwoods is not bad either but I like links a bit better. I put virtualpool 3 in a similar catagory.
if you want to play a weird game of video golf, obtain a copy of the original jack Nicholas golf. shareware or full version will do, and it's abandonware now so it's easy to get..then take the hole files ( each course has 1 for each hole ) and take diffrent .bmp images, midi and .wav files and rewrite them as the hole files.. you'll need dosbox for it to work, but it makes some pretty challanging ( impossible really ) holes, because the balls bounce really high, some greens will be in the middle of the water, and the green is usually right center of the ruff so most shots are fouls.. weird, I learned to do it way back on a 386 with win 3.1 I had, but did it again when I ran across my disk of the game, just needed dosbox to make that work
I never got into the grand theft Auto's as part of mission completing. I do own most of them ( 1,2, liberty and vice city stories are all I lack ) but GTA-IV is diffrent. missions are better and it follows a storyline, even tho a lot got taken away with the new game engine, like planes, and vehicles with functions like tractors and tow trucks
I never got into the grand theft Auto's as part of mission completing. I do own most of them ( 1,2, liberty and vice city stories are all I lack ) but GTA-IV is diffrent. missions are better and it follows a storyline, even tho a lot got taken away with the new game engine, like planes, and vehicles with functions like tractors and tow trucks

Ya,I know what u mean, that's why I never bought a Sony 3 to play it on because I was told that there's no airplanes -In San Andreas there are 7 different helicopters and 8 different airplanes,including a Harrier jump jet and Appache heliocopter-the heliocopter is the reward for getting gold pilots license.

San Andreas is also very Millitary oriented ...Carl Jhonson of Sn Adrs and Chris Joesiff of Mercenaries both have the same initials( CJ and CJ) They also have it set up that there is a way to get as many rounds for the gattling gun as u want but u have to figuer it out-they do not tell u how.

I have 217 thousand rounds for it. it fires 25 rounds per second so I need lots.The counter dissapears from the HUD. after 10 thousand but it still keeeps track-just have to right it down after.

u have to get through most of the missions to get ur Harrier jet.

yep, San Andreas is deffinatley Millitary where as the other GTAs are not.
I have a Wii. My daughter loves it. I hardly ever play it.

well I like my Wii system and never thought that it would be that awesome and then I found out that it can search the web if you have a wi-fi connection which i like alot you should try it and then tell me what you think of it
well I like my Wii system and never thought that it would be that awesome and then I found out that it can search the web if you have a wi-fi connection which i like alot you should try it and then tell me what you think of it

No wi-fi here, I have this here PC clone that I built myself for a whopping $200.00.
I bought all the parts on close out at a local computer store about 12 years ago.
I read an article in a magazine I bought from the grocery store on how to build your own computer.
1.8mhz AMD Sempron, 80g SATA harddrive Azus motherboard, 1 meg ram.
It surfs the internet just fine, and a whole lot more. :D
No wi-fi here, I have this here PC clone that I built myself for a whopping $200.00.
I bought all the parts on close out at a local computer store about 12 years ago.
I read an article in a magazine I bought from the grocery store on how to build your own computer.
1.8mhz AMD Sempron, 80g SATA harddrive Azus motherboard, 1 meg ram.
It surfs the internet just fine, and a whole lot more. :D

Well hello Gearnut!!!!! I'll say one thing right now....I WISH YOU WERE HERE!!!!!!!
There are two video game stores in a majior shopping mall across the street that are owned by the same company-bought 3 Grand Turismo games for Sony 2 that did not work then two Need for Speed games that did not work- 1 GTA4 game does not work.
They open the packages and keep the disks behind the counter.They do not give refunds on PC disks so they can sell u anything they want to.
I did buy Comand and Conquer the first decade that works but the pakage was not previously opend

Only 4 out of 10 games I bought from them actually worked.I am taking the last game that I bought yesterday to professionals and I'll pay the money to have it analized. I want to find out just what is going on here. When I got home from the store yesterday,I found the game package to be empy!!!!!!I then ran back to the store and said"dude!!,u just sold me an empy box for 20.00

He apologized and gave me the disk,but they wre laughing about it. They thought it was funny.
I did not think it was that funny ,but just happy to rectify the situation. When I got back home the disk did not work. There seams to be nothing on it. They told me that it is non-refundable once it is opened.

I guess that's why they opened the package and sold me an empy box in the first place.

I found out that they are a huge monopoly and are world wide, and have countless stores through out the U.S.A. and Canada.
They call themselves Game Stop and you can find out all about them at www.gamestop.ca

I will shop at their compeditors from now on.
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We have GameStop stores all over the place here. Always helpful and courteous, not one game has given my daughter a problem.
I do know however, that there is a scam going on where black market manufacturers will make illegitimate copies, virtually identical, down to the case and disc artwork, and sell them in bulk on the internet to retail chains. They are all over the place in Tijuana. I do not know if Game Stop has purchased any games from any of these clever fronts or not. If you have the game disc analyzed it should determine the validity of the copy.
Now you have me wondering if GameStop stores are corporate run or independent retailers operating under a license, like 7/11 convenience stores, ect.
Gamestop has 6,200 stores world wide and are also operating under the names;
EB Games,Babbages,Micromania,Movie Stop,etc. They also merged with Electronic Boutique . The GTA4 video game i bought from them that did not work had an old price sticker on it that said"Electronic boutique."

I will shop at their compeditors from now on because I found them to be scammers.

Any way, the reason I said that I wish u wre here is because I want to increase the ram in my computer.. maybe I should buy the ram chips and then take the chips and my mother board to the com. shop and have them do it for me but first I need to get back up for my windows and all info on my hard drive.

I am not sure ,but I think that after new ram chips are installed everything I have in my com. right now has to be reinstalled.

Is this right?? or what??


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