which frame would be an ideal?

Hi Cain, nice job on the Cranbrook BTW. Been looking at 24" bikes to fix up for my daughter & daughter in law. Finally found a Taiwanese made $10.00 Magna MTB at the Mission thrift store and started it this week. From what I've read, rider height of 5'4" or less or 29" or less Inseam(short legs) makes a 24" bike a good fit. Others can comment on Micargi quality but bikebuyers.com and jbikes.net have IMO a NICE looking 24" Cruiser called the Rover. I've bought from bikebuyers w/ no issues. Hope this helps.
Bairdo! Thanks for the link to yours where I can get to take a look at it and observe. Must tell you that they are nice taste with nice composition of it really. I enjoyed look at it. I liked your springer forks,... I could not find the springer like yours. Do you creative it? Yes, Understood about the sizes of the wheel which should be a proper to use. I told myself a clear it is all matter is the rake. I agreed with you about it. The bicycle's neck is more like 30 degree. it would be fun to have at least 40 degree,...? We will see from there what we can do... The front wheel ought to be little more far out from the neck part to get it low little bit and the steer should be fine,... I do not want go back to 70's where the front frame went sort of too high and handle the large wheel. Ha! Just post my video on youtube Got to post it over the photo and video gallery. See you there! Again, Thanks...

Although bairdco's bike is awesome, he doesn't have a springer - he's got the "torsion arms" and they simply increase the forks rigidity (not 100% sure that's what they're called lol), this is his bike (click to view larger);

The only one in the Rustoration build off with a springer front would be lil old me and my '43 Rollfast, the springer wasn't original to the bike - it's a "vintage" one from some other bike (prolly frm the '50s), this is what it currently looks like;

Aftermarket springers are actually commonly available in assorted shapes/lengths/rake, but some are not as high a quality as I would be comfortable with, here's an example of an inexpensive, new springer - but I'd ask around regarding it's strength (I've not had one);

26" Springer Fork

I've heard good things about this type - but ofc it's almost three times the expense lol;

1952 Monark Dual Spring Replica Fork

I've seen quite a few people say that the springers bottom out easily and aren't "suitable" for motorized bikes, but that depends entirely on your riding style. If you plan on raking your front end - I wouldn't suggest taking jumps with it anyway lol ;)

A good person to ask about springers & rake would prolly be Venice Motor Bikes as he seems quite fond of them heh, here's a link to his latest build;

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Hello Whizzerd, Thanks for sharing information that I never know about it. The reason for me to get 24" is that I believed that I can ride since I am six fts tall and 175 lbs. I think I am at least maxinmum (spell?) Ha! I think I will enjoy 24" more but I never know about 26" We will see what happen when I start to ride both. I also found 24" cruiser by chain gang .com i believed so. I think it is an ideal of perfection size for me as personally but i never know about 26" just yet. Hoped you will find my bike is a worth safe to ride, smooth, and proud of its graphically of motorized bicycle that you might suggest your daughter to buy or people who wishes to buy will be welcome! Thanks!
Clear is that your barely wake! ha,... The monarch springer looked nicely. However the bottom bracket does not look too great however I can make a bracket for it to get the wheel little far out of the straight point what it is right now. I would like like a bent springer which it would be nice to have monarch springer to be bent,... Can do BUT costly! I do enjoy find vintage that can be restore to the modern like you are doing now. It is awesome. Thanks for keep me post.
Thank you for the complement caincustomcycles, however - I wouldn't recommend bending the monarch springer. There's many springer options with various lengths and degrees of rake, I'm just not sure where to get them lol (I'm a bit of a traditionalist with bikes heh).

If you go here: Venice Motor Bikes, motorized bicycle sales, bicycle engine kits, service, parts. and scroll down all the pics you'll see a number of different springer styles to give you an idea or two ;)
monarch looked much heavy duty looks compared to bent or straight springer with one spring,... I enjoy bent springer look but weak looks but would it bend it even more if I go fast on the road such as 35 to 45 mph? So far I seen are monarch and one spring springer that is all no else,... what about ginder? what about leaf forks? like this

Kiwi leaf spring, springer, Indian. Harley forks : eBay Motors (item 280198570698 end time Feb-24-10 15:52:27 PST)

Have been to Venice Motor Bikes, It is fun to look at but none of them are my type.

I like monarch so far,... I might go to fix the bottom bracket that I can get the front wheel little forward. Do you think it will working? I got to copy current monarch's forks then make another one that it will be working well? Thanks for keep talk with me about the types of forks. I enjoy get your message. I like your mind works. Your keep open minded about anything on motorized bicycle. I still dig for the forks. Hoped find one. Thanks and Have a nice weekend!
ohhh wow! that s nice springer which it s for custom motorcycle since it is heavy duty. any of it for bicycle? so far i found are monark springer and lowrider springer. any else more than that? been thinking about getting one monark and one lowrider springer. wish i can get monark springer maybe 1 or 2 inches under which it would be perfect. let's see! thanks for keep me post where i can find around. i am new to this feature hard to catch up but getting use to it. thanks again!
wait a min,... checked the halcyon site and realized its' design for light motorcycle and bicycle. believed it will be working on mine? what do you think? price is righteous!
I sent a message to this site to find out how long is it,... I also am very interested in buy his talent. It is a worth to buy because it is,... hard to explain just perfect and look strong that compare to lowrider's springer fork because it s look like easy to bend. Glad to know that I can get to avoid lowrider's fork. I am into monark and halcyon. They are my type. Thanks!!! Any new update fork style let me know... I real need it from you to help me to see the options.drn2