Where to start project


aqua zombie

New Member
Sep 11, 2012
Athens Ohio
I have built one of these china doll bikes in the past. Life caught up and it hangs in my garage with pride. A friend of mine was kind enough to give me a china doll bottom end because he had bought it and had plans that he never got round to. Long story short... I don't know what I have, other than a china doll bottom end. He told me it was a "balanced dax bottom end". Soooo... wtf is a balanced dax bottom end? I was going to get a top end for it and could not figure out what i need. Looks like there are a few flavors out there when going about this. Ultimatly I do not want to not pedal, at all. So I was looking for hotter cylinder, and head options. Possibly a jackshaft and some gearing. (That is baisicly the rout I took with the motorbicycle that I built.) You all seem to have come a long way since I have put one of these together. I decided to try and research the ole dax balanced bottom end, and I'm here for the shortcuts obviously. To sum this up, do I need more info to identify, and after that what top end combos will work with this thing?
Also In advance, thank you to anyone who reads this and posts their 2 cents. I feel like I'm asking a lot, especially about not having to pedal, but please keep those 212 predator comments at bay to start. I'm considering that as well. lol.


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Mar 15, 2012
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aqua zombie

New Member
Sep 11, 2012
Athens Ohio
DAX is a older vendor... I'm not sure if he's still around anymore.
I advise you to just put that engine on the shelf & go with a 212 if you don't want to pedal at all. ;)
Yea I knew that was coming. I had such good success with the last one though. The jack shaft drove a strumy 5 speed with the drum brake. I got it on the cheap and it’s gearing would pull me up hills. My kid has one of those Coleman mini bikes with the 212 predator and I can race up hills on it. I love the idea of the lighter weight China doll though.