where to buy it


minor bike philosopher
Im looking to do some basic research on a freewheel crank set. Does anyone know where to look for such a thing.
You mean like the old Shimano "FF System" cranks? If so the only place I could ever find them was on ebay.
I was looking at these a while back when I thought of getting a Cyclone kit.

Try these sites Deacon...

Electric bicycle DIY kits kit NuVinci Electric bicycle DIY kits kit NuVinci Electric bicycle DIY kits kit NuVinci Electric bicycle DIY kits kit NuVinci Electric bicycle DIY kits kit NuVinci Electric bicycle DIY kits kit NuVinci Electric bicycle DIY k


I think the second site is a UK dealer for the first site, they probably have a US dealer listed on there site.

Didn't someone on this forums post a youtube video of one they were making/testing?


PS... found a thread over at endlesssphere.... https://www.endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=9589&start=0
May give you some info.
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would love to have a whole bike with a freewheel crank....
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seems that schwinn made one as well.... Wonder why none of these guys today don't make one.
seems that schwinn made one as well.... Wonder why none of these guys today don't make one.

Do a search on "Shimano FF System" and you'll find out why. From what I read it's split about 50/50, some people love them and some absolutely hate them.
Some people seem to think that Shimano is going to re-introduce it.

Honestly the only thing that made the setup different then any other bike was the front crank and the rear hub set.
I second SickBikeParts. I've dealt with them and I had no problems. You can buy the parts a la carte if you want to. [email protected] (Ghost0 on the gas forums here) replies quickly to technical questions. Also Paco at Cyclone Taiwan is quick to respond to questions and knows his system inside out. I dealt with both of them when I put my ebike shift kit together - jd
ps Eclipse (UK) sells a freewheel kit and Elation (AU) does too.
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I knew that, as my grandson says all the time..... I'm so old, and been around so long that I remember when there shift kit was just an idea... I never did get into the details of how they adapted the bike chain drive to freewheel though. If I had given it any serious thought I would have known that it had to be a freewheel crank. Thanks for the information all of you.

I think I have talked myself into building an adult scooter from a bike frame and the rhino drive motor and mount but with the bike's wheel instead of the wheel on a wheel. the nine hundred watt motor will start the thing without pedals and pull it up any hill. If I weld the crank it will pass as a bike at first glance plus give me a place to put my feet.. I'm going to do some planning before I start it.
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