What's The Name of This Engine?

Ask your local people if you can get someone, a bicycle mech that can help you. Dude I would fly there right now to help you! I don't have the all mighty coins too pull it off.
HEY Members, let's see what we can do!!! (c)
Thank You Saddletramp1200, I am looking and asking around. I still have a few resources to check out. But thank You. Hey I KNOW what you mean about the coins. If I had them to spare, I'd send them to you to get you here to fix by bicycle problems. Thank You so very very much. I really feel better about the whole issuse after talking with you. Have a Great Day, now, ye ear.
Thank You Bikeguy Joe, but for or against, I have a happy time on my happy time, and right now I'm not have a happy time, because my happy time is broken. But only for a moment.
Thank You Pablo, I fully agree that the people who have an issue with these engines, where or are the people who have no connon sence to fix one, or has never aucually owned one. Where I live in North Carolina, everyone, I mean EVERYONE, is thrilled and amazed by my motorized bicycle. Even the Police and motorcycle riders stop me to ask questions and look at it. I really feel privileged owning the only one I know of in North Carolina. I really feel special, and the people around me make me feel special and fortunate.
Thank You eDJ, nice drawing, almost exactly what I had in mind. A little ingenious and a welder and the parts, One can do amazing things. I have a fairly good mind. It's the rest of me that is out of wack. The golf cart thing, I have already looked into. Around North Carolina, a used, almost ready for the junk yard one will cost you easly $2000.00. My disability check is less than $700. per month. From that I pay my own rent, power, phone, internet, groceries, plus keep a child happy in the 5th grade of school. So you see, moneys very very tight. Wish I had saved instead of partied when I made $2000. a week. Let this be a WARNING to everyone. Save while you can. Unexpected things happen, and happen hard.Thank You again eDJ.
Hey ODDS. Take pictures of what you need to happen to your build. If it's bolts, nuts, washers....small parts, I'll be happy to ship them to you. If you need brackets or mounts made, I'll try my best to get them. Just let me know what you need and I'll see if we can get it done.
Thank You Saddletramp1200, I really like this place. I have found out some valuable money saving things on here. Very smart, friendly folks. I'm just buzzing in my head at the present time. What I really need to know, I am a disabled man, needing a ride to the store 2 or 3 times a week. But my heart condition and my COPD is making it very hard. I need a cheap, as my finances are extreme, 4 wheeler, that I can transfer my 'Happy Time' motor to. When I say cheap, I really mean, next to "0". I can paint it, greeze it, cover the seat, change a few bearings, and use my motor. I just can't weld one together. I can't weld. I also live in North Carolina. Not to many people have the time or resorces to help me out. Thank You again, Please forgive me for laying this on you, I'm sorry.

Four wheel bicycles are prohibitivley expensive, and I have yet to see one used. a better option may be an adult tricycle, I just sold a Miami SUN 3 wheeler localy for 140 bucks, they are hard to find tho and usualy sell for a high price. New they sell for 350 to 600 . I would not go faster than 10 maybe 12 miles an hour tho, a trike can be very dangerous at any faster speeds. I did look at the 4 wheeler bicycle's here online, and looks like you would need $2K just to get started, but would be hella fun to put a motor on forsure.

Jim S...
Thank You so very much 'ebvegan', at the present time, my mind is working. My bicycle is getting harder and harder for me to crank and ride. I need a set down way to ride. I am thinking on a few things at present. I like to experiment with things. My brother does to, but he moved about 150 miles away to be closer to his work about a year ago. That put the brakes on me and tinkering with things. But I really Do Thank You for your offer. Later on down the road, I may have to ask. But at present, it's just my mind working on some ideas.
Thank You 'NID FTL', I sure would have loved to have caught that deal. I could swing $150. bucks. But $2000. is out of the question. 4 wheelers around here are like my motorized bicycle. Very very scarse. But that is what I am going to have to come up with. A Cheap, 4 wheeler. My health is forcing it on me. I wish there was a way to hook up an electric start to my motor. That would solve all my problems and issues. But I'm not machanicly incline, but my mind works over time on things. My brother and I before he moved came up with some pretty inventive stuff.
Man I hope this helps, A while back we took a wrecked Honda & made a ramp like a side car for it. All hand controls and Tim would roll his chair on it and lock it down and ride away. The steel and other costs were about 400.00 We got a lot of stuff from local motorcycle dealers. ASK them call them! I would fly there and help you if I could. Don't let this beat you. You CAN do this. you can, Tramp (c)
Thank You 'NID FTL', I sure would have loved to have caught that deal. I could swing $150. bucks. But $2000. is out of the question. 4 wheelers around here are like my motorized bicycle. Very very scarse. But that is what I am going to have to come up with. A Cheap, 4 wheeler. My health is forcing it on me. I wish there was a way to hook up an electric start to my motor. That would solve all my problems and issues. But I'm not machanicly incline, but my mind works over time on things. My brother and I before he moved came up with some pretty inventive stuff.

Just a thought as far as the electric start goes, if you put one of the electric hub motors on the front wheel, you could use that to get up to speed to start the gas engine, although they arent cheap either, unless you could find a used setup, they just bolt into place... They aslo sell a pull start for these engines, but most of the posts I have seen they are CARP....
Just a thought as far as the electric start goes, if you put one of the electric hub motors on the front wheel, you could use that to get up to speed to start the gas engine, although they arent cheap either, unless you could find a used setup, they just bolt into place... They aslo sell a pull start for these engines, but most of the posts I have seen they are CARP....

I had this Idea useing a 500 watt to 750 watt hub motor and controller and a 25 to 50 cc motor connected directly to an alternator or generator, portable plug it into the bike and strap it down and go. you could even have a small bank of baterys to run it kinda like a Hybrid with auto start and regenertive braking if that is included in the controller you get. this is a very expensive Idea none the less and not gonn help odds10to1 out, but I love this concept and have seen some cool e-bike applications on youtube.
what do you do in winter up there in NC, odds10to1? I love my bike here in south florida, but I get cold fast. not sure how I'd take to that.
again I think an Adult Tricycle is the best thing for you to look into. Check out Craigslist in your area you may even post a wanted ad, refer to Decons WTB weedeater ad and adapt something like, "wtb Adult tricycle or 4 whell bicycle. Mention you are a retired and disabled person and say you are willing to accept fixer uppers and the like to keep it cheap or free. His ad worked for my I got 2 weedeaters to play with wile I wait for the coil he was so kind to send to me, great group of people here. I say...Jim...
10 to 1, if you are having a hard time starting your bike, do you have an electric drill ? If so get one of the adapters for a socket and put a I think it is a 12mm socket on it, remove the cover on the mag and with the clutch handle pulled in rotate the engine over with the drill, it turns clockwise. When it starts keep that drill going and pull the drill off and you are going, it is then at least warmed up and easy to start. Or get that pull starter, but I think you need the wider crank set for that. Hope this helps. Have fun, Dave

PS: Just leave the cover off the mag, it will not hurt the engine. You could put a hole the size of the socket if you want the cover on there. If you have a battery drill you have a portable starter.
Thank You 'Saddletramp1200', I am in the process of gathering up the things I may need. The sidecar idea wouldn't help me tho, but that was a Great and Wonderful thing you did for your friend. My idea will never beat me. I will stay at it until I prove to myself it can't be done. Because I know in most cases, most ideas, CAN be done. Hey, we wouldn't have lights, cars, paved streets or TV, if people gave up on their ideas. Thank You again.
Thank You 'misteright1 99", I was thinking alone the way of like, a riding lawn mower. They have an electric start, why can't that idea be adopted over to the bicycle motor?
I already have a 12v battery hooked up for my lights. I have break, turn, head & tail lights. I just don't know what it would take to put on the motor to put a starter on there. I have never had a lawnmower motor a part, or my bicycle motor either. Just thoughts running through my head at present time.
Thank You 'Egor', that is an idea I never thought about. I have a basket on my bicycle, I could carry the drill around with me. Now that's an Idea. Thank You.
For the record, "happy time" is a name that was tagged on these engine kits by someone who is AGAINST these types of engines and is active in downing these and the owners as much as possible....

I agree that the person who coined this term is now, to be generous, not an advocate of them. That is certain. However, the term "Happy Time" was coined when he was, in fact at the time, a "happy" user of this type of engine.

I see no need to try to revamp the vernacular, however, based on a change of position of one person. However, usage determines terminology, so we'll see what happens.

Back to the original issue- these engines are not branded. there is no such thing as a brand name. The retailers may make various small changes before they sell, but as they come over in the container, there is no brand name at all.
Thank You very much 'HoughMade' for that info. It makes it very hard for me to order parts, not knowing a name, or number of the engine. I hate to order parts, them not work, and must return. Thats 2 shipping charges right there, plus a longer waite to get moving again. Will the parts interchange on these engines? That would be a Great and Wonderful thing if they do.
10 to 1 - They will to a cert-en degree. There are two different bolt types for the head. There are two cranks, a long rod and a short, and pistons to match. There are three piece cranks and one piece, that is in reference to each side. There are engines with 60202Z bearings and 6203. There are engines that have a needle bearing gudgeon pin and a engine with a bushing. There are engines with a smaller bolt pattern for the barrel and head. LOL I guess there are a lot of differences. Have fun, Dave