what now honey?

Glad your okay deacon. Seizures are not fun, my grandfather had 3 of them leading up to his passing. He compaired them to being kicked in the face by a mule, and apprently he knew that from expirence!

that sucks how your out of the wasp bike game
glad to hear your ok otherwise

whatabout a powered trailer? thats a third wheel!
Im 74 and can't lift my leg high enough to get on my electric Mongoose any more, been working on a low seat chopper for about a year now, still got a long way to go. We run the electric bike with a on / off toggle switch. on, wide open for a few seconds then off and coast untill it slows down. It will do a little over 15 mph. tread mills have a dc electric motor ,the smallest one is over 1 and 1/2 horse power. 3 car batteries will run one, I was thinking about 4 riding lawn mower batteries. Don't give up Decon, we go slower but we still get there. And about the blood when I was younger I got blood on every bike that I had.
Hey Ditch, I built a bike not too long ago for a guy that had leg problems. It was a Schwinn (ladies model) and he brought me an axle mount from Staton Inc. to hook up for him. It went on fairly easy and I got around 20-25mph out of it. Anyway, the guy was happy with it and I thought about it while reading your post. The Staton axle mounts are a little pricey but work pretty well.