minor bike philosopher
Okay quick background. I bought this engine on ebay and it didn't run just right. I tried to adjust the carb and it didn't do any better so I put on a new carb I had laying around. I do mean new not just an old one that was new to the engine.
Does the same thing. I put a hole in the muffler just in case it needed a better vent. Same thing.
I can get it to start no sweat. It will rev up... Sometimes it will take off and run great. Then for no real reason it will bog down. Sometimes I can let off the throttle a little and it will take off again and not do it for a while. Then when I throttle up later it will bog down. I let off and sometimes it will take off again and sometimes it will just keep dragging along. Two minutes later I varry the throttle and it takes off again.
I would think it was something I did except that it did it with both carbs. Maybe it's a leaky manifold gasket. I need to see if the manifold gasket is there cause come to think of it, I might have seen a piece of gasket laying on the ground outside the shop. I have torn apart so many engines it might have nothing to do with it though.
So what it is bro.
Does the same thing. I put a hole in the muffler just in case it needed a better vent. Same thing.
I can get it to start no sweat. It will rev up... Sometimes it will take off and run great. Then for no real reason it will bog down. Sometimes I can let off the throttle a little and it will take off again and not do it for a while. Then when I throttle up later it will bog down. I let off and sometimes it will take off again and sometimes it will just keep dragging along. Two minutes later I varry the throttle and it takes off again.
I would think it was something I did except that it did it with both carbs. Maybe it's a leaky manifold gasket. I need to see if the manifold gasket is there cause come to think of it, I might have seen a piece of gasket laying on the ground outside the shop. I have torn apart so many engines it might have nothing to do with it though.
So what it is bro.