What grips do I buy for a motorized bicycle?



Well-Known Member
May 20, 2022
I got booted from the other forum... I went on a rant about the phantom 85 and the day after I got banned someone else new came on it confirming my accusations... Doesn't say I'm banned and I got likes months later like I was still in the mix... There about promoting a vendor who buys the moderator with free stuff... I get it ... Someone who's the cats ass yesterday doesn't want someone like me making them look dumb
I went to school (s) for this and been working on everything big and small you can imagine for 40+ years... I was 10 when I rebuilt my first motorcycle... Dealing with haters for 39 1/2 of it... Mossy fast fact... I retired before I turned 30... 40 years ahead of the class... It's been about 25 years... I'm almost old enough to look like I've just retired... There's a movie about it called the beach bum 2016 that was made from hanging out and telling stories but there is 50 people who do the same thing other parts of it... There all true stories about south Florida
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2022
Blast the forum with whatever .. put some lite grease on the bar where the throttle barrel rotates and use a CNC throttle
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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
sf bay area
I got booted from the other forum... I went on a rant about the phantom 85 and the day after I got banned someone else new came on it confirming my accusations... Doesn't say I'm banned and I got likes months later like I was still in the mix... There about promoting a vendor who buys the moderator with free stuff...
The moderator is super salty over your avatar. I’m lovin it! Well done.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2022
So ok on the blaster thumb throttle... I'm going to need a ATC end... To fit the lever and shorten it because the carb is bigger with the slide to open right but it's longer overall... 51" or I'll just have to make something up longer than that... In nibbi green... Some things to consider with throttle cables... Or at 1/2 throttle it opens all the way being made for a bigger carb... The other way it wouldn't open enough if one for a smaller carb is used... Extra long everything is better ;)


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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
sf bay area
Doodoo was trolling. Apparently he reported me for Bullying for giving him the benefit of the doubt after I spent half the thread tryin to help out. F em. You don’t join a forum only to report people in your first week.

IMO while y’all were right about the troll maybe wrong about motard. Or not. It’s impossible to know for certain.

I believe this is the guy. I am not an admin or anything and I don’t have access to IP addresses, but I found out where he lives just from his posts. A less than 2 minute search on Facebook turned up this bike which is colored the same custom color and has the same mag wheels.

As you can see the bike is done. My own troll radar went off when he said “this bike may never get built”.


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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
I'd want to trade a titled car or motorcycle for the bike. His grip on reality isn't as firm as it should be. Joining up and starting problems on a forum you have just joined isn't the best way to start out unless you have no intention of staying.

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2022
Troll or whatever got me thinking about different throttles and the kit to put it all together... That's all I need is some interactions to keep me thinking about whatever I'm someday going to build... Just got off the phone with bowling industries about the worksman front drum wheels... There shipping in odd batches trying to get caught up with about 2 years of back orders... But my orders in and no hurry to get them...
I got reported for posting on a thread posting about the ton of 79cc parts... Probably a setup... But that's fine... I can see where someone builds around obsolete motors and don't want to know about everything available for a predator...
I can also see where people don't want to know about the 8-10 bikes worth of parts I'm just throwing in a pile... Or putting together parts for experimental research... I take my time... Yesterday I came up with something brilliant with the window A/C I'm installing by slowing down and walking through the steps... And I get to use up the scraps I saved... I've had the unit for about 3 years


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