West Coast Whizzers (club)

Hi Whizzerinos! Well some of the guys out here on the Gold Coast have decided to band together and form a club.

Dues will be cheap, and full disclosure of finantial matters will be the order of the day. We are banging around the idea of 3 rides a year, tho 2 are settled upon at this time. We think that Spring and Fall are the times to plan on, tho some thought is being given to the idea of a Mid-Summer Ride, if we can figure out a cool enuf place.

We are open to Vintage and Modern Whizzers, and any other Motorized bikes that can stand the pace.

We will do a newsletter, and some free advertising, and it will prove to be a great way to meet other Whizzer owners.

One thing I was thinking is that it would be a great thing to have an idea where everyone is located, and who would find themselves interested in a Camp-out Whizzer meet in North CA. (Sometimes for sure in the Delta).

Tell us here what you-all think about this, and I will start another thread about where you-all are located.

Any chance that there are any Whizzerers in SoCal? This would be fun to do down LA and south too. I'm in OC- Anyone local that wants to do something similar?
Hi all, I dunno what goes on in SoCal, we are planning 2 Whiz-In's here, in the California Delta, and I know a little about a Central Coast ride. Might want to put out a call here and other places to get to know local riders?

So, the title says a bunch of it! We are looking at May 1, 2, 3, in the California Delta. Friday night setup and camp (if you want) saturday am the Ride, sat pm a bring-yer-own-meat BBQ planned.

Sunday AM a vintage bike, Whizzer, and Motorbike related stuff swap meet. Mark your caladers, set alarms on your computer, what-ever it takes to remember to come out and meet a bunch of the gang at the First Annual West Coast Whizzer ride.

Check with me if you need details, and pics of last fall's ride are availble.

i would like to get something going in los angeles! whizzers, 67cc's anything that goes and looks custom... la board racers
HI Buzz and Lobster, there are LOTS of owner/riders in your area, BUT there is no organization that I know of. there used to be Whiz-in's in Hungton beach, and thereabouts, but none in the last 10 years that I know of. There is one ride, on sundays, for Mopeds, launching out of Fullerton CA.

Sean owns Myron's Mopeds, and is a cool guy with organized rides, other than his, I know of no others. I rode with the gang from Myron's BUT not convienent while living here in Sacramento, to make a sunday ride in Fullerton!

Does it seem to be time to "Rise up" and create such a thing? Now, a word of caution, when riding with the gang from Myron's, we were treated to a stop by La Habra PD, who pulled a couple of Mopeds over..... seems an old lady had called on her cell phone a 911 call that a Motorcycle gang was in town.

NOW, here s what is to be learned, in a large group you MUST be lawful!!! Before the ride, we had all been informed, DOT helmet and right hand mirror, or you are NOT riding with us! Easy deal, I bought a mirror for wifey's bike (mine had an ignition failure the day before).

Whizzers, and other motorized bicycles that can sustain the pace are welcome at the Whiz-In, But, we will be acting mostly Lawful, and this needs to be understood and accepted. The max I did at this Whiz-In was 43 mph (in a 45 zone), tho we mostly travel 25-35 mph.

What do you think?
