West Coast Chopper - stretch job

i admired these huffy/walmart/discovery channel bikes when they were new, but did not want to pay full price to cut one up

i found this on craigslist for fifty bucks so it had a date with the saw...


  • wcc choped dave sitting2.jpg
    wcc choped dave sitting2.jpg
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oh, yeah a few details left to work out, but i wanted to make it move across the parking lot before the big snow we got...

all winter to make exhausts and finish the tank and and and and

seriously the stock exhaust the "right" way was draggin the ground because the engine is so low
did an exhaust

did an exhaust today
leftover stick of 1/2" emt - sleeved right into the cutoff stock piece - 3/4 might sleeve over, i will check

i just used a tubing bender, bent it some and moved along and bent it some more, then hit it with a rubber mallet to get it out of the bender- when you try it you'll understand
bender.JPG exhaust 1.jpeg

then i stood on the bend and pulled the long end up to give it the dimension it needs to clear the frame

i left it super long, cutting is easier... im sure it will wind up some normal length after i burn myself a few times.
exhaust longshot.JPG
Hey el Diablo Guapo... I just noticed that your fist picture posted here & my avitar picture look exactly the same!! laff
I like it, and it does look like a Venice build.

3/4" emt will need to be 'swedged' out just a little to fit over the stock exhaust. I made a tool using an old pair of battery cable spreader pliers. It doesn't take much and the conduit will slip over and if you have TIG can be welded neatly.
Oh, and if the emt is new, no tarnish, it will buff up very nicely to an almost chrome-like look.
Thanks for sharing your work. Have fun and ride safe.

how to swedge?

thanks! there are several useful tips in your reply

I used 1/2" emt cux it fit perfectly iside the stock pipe

it turns out 3/4" emt is a near match for the stock pipe OD

gotta swedging, i think i get the battery plier concept

i will try buffing the galvinized coating, though as the wet weather remains, the crud makes the chrome look a lot like galv

just to mention, i do all my work with a flux core machine, it is just what i happen to have and I can actually do quite a neat job with it - settings, setting,s settings

speaking of safety I just added a front brake - i plan to post that project in the brakes section

Hey cobra- go extreme !! you can always cut it off

keep the shiny side up!

no real changes, but I have been riding this several times a week to my new job.

got a new chain - 98 links - EXACTLY CORRECT - no way! SO cool

the new heavy duty chain, a 415h, is a noticeable upgrade

I put a muffler back on as i am riding across the city about 6:45 am and just want a little less attention

early morning in the industrial area of the city is super fun!
