New Member
I pulled the 66cc slanthead off of my engine and added a 66cc straght plug head, I love the look a lot better..BUT it seems like the bike is a tad bit slower? It's still fast..I'm just not sure so I think I lost speed from 43mph to a little over 35....but like I said sometimes it just seems I need to give it time to reach true WOT. my slant head looks exactly the same inside. I know the slanted plug was designed to clear frames that have clearing issues and some heads have a design to them that allows for better compression. This isn't the case here...maybe I think I'm just losing power? I may be adding a speed carburetor as well as a performance air filter. I AM running a speed demon exhaust. I think I'm just imagining a loss in speed because the motor looks like the 49cc motors with the straight plugs lol...runs great though! Happy riding!