web site for sale

i have a bike web site for sale paid $ 2,000 sell for $1,000 obo call 603-762-3990 for details asks for Bill if interested web site was www.warpspeedbikes.com

Hi, This is Bill. If you are really interested in seeing the website please drop me a line. [email protected] or call me 603 762 3990. This website is completly done with flash and animation. I can customize for you. Its built to sell the motor bike. Paypal and all. I created lots information that the customer would want to know. from safey to road rules to a warp speed bikes girl page. Every cool company needs a diva to represent.
We live in a small town and we just didnt sell enough to want to continue. my town is 220 ppl. Can you say mowwwwwwwww. The website is in the search engines and ready to launch. If really interested get in touch & I will re-host the site. It has many pages of cool stuff.
Firefox could not find it either. ?

Hi, This is Bill. If you are really interested in seeing the website please drop me a line. [email protected] or call me 603 762 3990. This website is completly done with flash and animation. I can customize for you. Its built to sell the motor bike. Paypal and all. I created lots information that the customer would want to know. from safey to road rules to a warp speed bikes girl page. Every cool company needs a diva to represent.
We live in a small town and we just didnt sell enough to want to continue. my town is 220 ppl. Can you say moowwwwwwwww. The website is in the search engines and ready to launch. If really interested get in touch & I will re-host the site. It has many pages of cool stuff.