Water-chestnut 50cc motor


New Member
I was looking at this motor and thinking i should get this one based on the feedback. This is the only 50cc motor/kit ive seen with generally positive feedback. Trying to keep it at 50cc so that i dont need a license or motorcycle insurance. Im new to this stuff, and have no idea of the list of parts id need other than this engine so a lot of planning will need to be done before i pull the trigger on this. If you have any engine suggestions that woukd be great, other than that, id appreciate help understanding what other parts I'll need to get this working and where you guys think the most quality parts will be purchasable. Lastly i just wanted to know if you guys think this would be better on a beach cruiser or a mtn bike? If anyone wants to try and convince me to get the 4-stroke from gasbike.net, go for it, but from the short time ive soent researching, i decided id want a two stroke.
EDIT: The only reason i was wanting a 2-stroke is that they're cheaper and that it'll be easier to do maintenance on, but i think that if i spend enough time putting it together, then i should be able to maintain it just as well. It also seems that the 4-stroke engines are just more quality, i could be wrong. Since it has much less gas consumption, think 4-stroke is not the route i want to go. I'd still be interested in hearing what you guys have to say.
Also, why are the kits on golden eagle so damn expensive?
I'm looking to put a motor/kit onto this bike, do you guys think that it would work fine? I don't have the bike yet, i want to be sure that it will work out. I'm mostly curious because of the 3 speed, i haven't looked anything up about that.
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