Waiting for the warm weather in Mass.


New Member
Hi!! I motorized last summer using my 15 year old mountain bike I had in the garage and a 4 stroke eBay kit with the JL Hoot gearbox and the Huasheng engine. Did a lot of adjusting, problem solving, and head scratching. No big mistakes, so I'm making progress. Used to do this with my cars, but they are getting to complicated to mess with. I think an average dude like me likes to be able to play with his toys. Long live "Motorbicycling.com"!
How bout a bigger pic of that bicycle and engine setup. Oh and welcome to the forum..........................
welcome and glad to have you with us. you are right about the new cars. all computers and fun taken out of working on them. i liked the old days when you took a allen key and set your timing and everything was easy to get to. went to change plugs in our car and you need a friggen 10" extentsion to get to them. motor bicycle engines are what we like. simple and fun!
Welcome to the Forum. I lived up on the Cape for a couple of years (early 90's when Hurricane Bob came through)...too cold for me!!