Waiting for Cyclone Bomb to hit Michigan!


Well-Known Member
Weather around here doesn’t get predicted we’ll do to the surrounding lakes. So when the Cyclone Bomb was talked about I kinda blew it off. Well it’s coming. Sitting in back room there is no wind nothing moving .. really weird. Then a massive gust will come. Each time I can watch trees in the woods just tumble over. It takes a lot to break a maple tree with no leaves and only wind. The bomb should be here around 7pm. It’s when all these weather system collided over the state of the Michigan
Been gale force here all day beginning with 1" rain with thunderstorm starting last night. Now barometer goes up and -3 tomorrow AM. SE Wisconsin has had multiple power outages. Thankfully none in Rubicon,WI. Glad on Friday I brought in several days worth of wood. Kindling is made in my gas heated Machine shop.
Be warm and safe Keith.
Tom from Rubicon
More crap weather coming your way Keith. Barometer has been dropping all day and rain just started an hour ago.
West side of Lake Michigan looks like fruit salad on the radar. Think Spring :).
Tom from Rubicon
Guess I had it easy, Thursday the barometer went as low as I have ever seen. Crazy warm and sunny. We must have been the eye. Our snow pack was melting really fast, creeks and river were over their banks.
About 2:30PM it started raining hard, stopped the sun shown a bit and then rain came on again real heavy from the opposite direction for a bit.
Yesterday 30's and flurries all day.
Tom from Rubicon
Keith it's a fact...my roof & my money all over the yard! I ordered shingles yesterday, lol...just life "it's just an argument till bloods on the floor".

Rick C.
Guys, don't forget that if you are riding in such a hard weather you have to take care of your safe ride. Do you know how to keep riding when it’s windy, rainy and frosty outside? A lot of people really don't know the main tips about riding when it's rain or ice on the road. So I can recommend you to search for some blogs and articles like Bestadviser http://bestadviser.net/how-to/how-to-keep-riding-in-wet-and-cold-conditions/ and learn the main rules of such riding. Of course, that doesn't mean that you have to go out when it's a hurricane in the street, but the unpredictable situation can happen.
Wet riding, is avoid the center of the road where the oil is. Still wiped out plenty of times on my BMW. Snow and ice?
Schwalbe Ice Spiker Pro Winter Tyre - RaceGuard .
Not listed are ones I found used in Finland.
Hopefully Winter has had it's last gasp.
Tom from Rubicon