Viza Venom


New Member
I am a new member to this forum. I live in Oceanside, CA and I purchased my Viza Venom in August of 2000. I need to get pics up on this site so you can see how I outfitted my scooter. I have not ridden the scooter for quite a few years due to the motor not running. Storage is brutal to any internal combustion engine, especially if it is carbureted. The bike was dirty with old grease (from the chain) slung all over the bottom side of the scooter. But it is better to have a chain over lubed than under.

So - - - - I pulled the trigger on getting this little machine back in service. I dismantled the scooter and cleaned all of the parts. Surprisingly, the frame and, engine, rear band brake and handlebars are not rusted or beat up. After a through cleaning, polishing and waxing, the components look like new. I polished the wheels (alloy), brake and throttle handles, front brake assembly ( bicycle style friction brakes that squeeze on the front rim), cleaned up the handlebar assy, and cleaned the motor. The only thing that I did to the motor was to take the exhaust pipe off, scuff it and spray on new HiTemp heat paint in the appropriate lo gloss black.

Viza is no longer in business but I am now seeing different sources for parts for the motor. My carb was all gummed up and needing rebuiding. This motor is a KY171 Keyang 33cc motor with a gear reduction transmission. One thing that I really liked about this bike is that if you are going at speed and you let off of the throttle, the scooter will "freewheel". This is really nice when you crest a hill and can coast down the other side, giving this little engine a break. The engine is Korean and I am wondering if the whole scooter is Korean? Any way, I have two questions that I would like to find answers for.

One: The last year that I was riding the scooter, on occasion, it failed to disengage when I let off the throttle.the transmission has no sight "port" or plug to see what the level of gear oil is. There is just a bolt on the top that allows you to add the oil. The owners manual says that every two years to remove the "top lid" (case cover) and dump out the old grease. You replentish it with 180ccs of new gear oil. But the manual does not say what weight of oil to use? I feel that the reason that it was not properly disengaging when I let off of the throttle was that either the oil level was low or the gear oil is gummy? In the manual, there is no refrence to the weight of oil to be used in the transmission. Does anyone know what weight of oil to use. Did Keyang make the transmission also?

I went on line to find a carb kit. NO LUCK. The Walbro carb # WYK33 502 is obsolete and no one has one left over in their inventory. There is an overseas (China?) company online, Gardentopstar, who has a kit for this engine. It comes with an aftermarket carb, fuel lines, fuel filter, gasket, 2 primer bulbs, 2 neoprene valves that you replace when you change the bulbs, and a spark plug. But they did not have the rebuild kit for my OEM Walbro carb. I was hoping to find a rebuild kit for the original carb and keep it for back up. Is there someone out there that may have an extra rebuild kit for this WYK33 carb? If so, I would gladly pay for it and shipping as I want to keep my original carb for this scooter.

It is fun to ride and I found it handy to zip to the store for a few groceries. I rode it everywhere in and around Carlsbad, (Ca) for errands and such. Plus, I would take it with me when we vacationed. Very handy.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
