Ultra High Density Clutch Pucks

Ultra High Density Clutch Pucks

  • Yes I think they are needed and would try them.

    Votes: 17 53.1%
  • No I don't think they are needed and would not try them.

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • I would pay between $6.50 to $10 per set of 15

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • I would pay between $10 to $15 per set of 15

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • I would pay between $15 to $20 per set of 15

    Votes: 12 37.5%
  • I would pay between $20 to $25 per set of 15

    Votes: 1 3.1%

  • Total voters
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Anybody that feels entitled to market share/"turf" does not deserve the market share. I have no idea who you are referring to, but decent business practices and good service would ensure that thier "turf" is protected.

Shift Kits are a prime example. There is only one place I would buy a shift kit from if I was in the market. I am sure that some one has or could make a comparable product and maybe even be less expensive, but why go with the unknown when current provider has an excellent track record for service and quality?

I run/own a niche retail shop, last year a competitor opened up the next town over. Did I care? Not at all. In fact I sometimes send people over there as they carry some products I do not have. They on the other hand are struggling because they spent so much time and energy worrying about what and how we were doing things that taking care of customers has suffered and they currently have a reputation for being unreliable.

So I believe that "Nuts!" was indeed the appropriate response.
Keep up the great work, im truly wondering how many miles you can get out of them... Do you also notice any glazing of the pads? From the clutch disk or anything? I had about 1000 miles on a set and they glazed fairly bad. So, as for the average clutch pads i get about 700-1000 miles out of em, wonder how yours do. If you ever get into production phase i would love a set. I also go to college and I have access to a water jet. I think they charge 5$ per use.....
OK Just and update.

The pucks are at a little over 400 miles and still going strong. No need yet to readjust the clutch for slippage and they are holding good when climbing grades and do well from standing starts.

As soon as I pass the 500 mile mark I am going to tear it down for a full inspection but I did preview of what I will document at that time this week. My engine seriously flooded from a sticking needle valve that filled the crankcase full of raw gas and when I tried to start it the crank seals blew out of their seat and filled the clutch compartment and Mag with gas. After replacing the seals and repairing the carb I just wiped the pucks off with a clean rag (no solvent cleaner) and they felt like new. I didn't see any major glazing or wear and they were still free in the carrier ring.

I have samples out to a couple of dealers now and enough material left to make 10-15 sets and I am going to take some pre-production orders so if you are interested in getting these for $10 per set plus shipping PM me here or send me your information via my website email form here and I will give you my paypal info then. Understand this is first come first serve till the material I have in stock is gone.

Once the dealers get the finished product they will set the market price, I will still sell them but not undercut their price.
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Some peoples kids I tell you. They need a good swift kick in the ass to wake up their minds.
(that was my mums favorite quote right before she tanned my hide as a kid)

Hey guys thanks for the support and the pending orders. I still have some production issues to iron out to make sure that I can produce this part at a cost that will be attractive to all china girl users.

I did get a snotty phone call from someone yesterday ( Some of us have no doubt who) via posting my phone number and contact info on my website (which has since been removed) saying that I am not really making or testing these and that like another vendor I am infringing on their turf and will be dealt with accordingly.

To that person I say that you didn't follow through with your testing or design and my new pucks are not even close to your material I am sure. And if you want an image take this slightly blurred one ( on purpose so you cant identify my material supplier)...

And as for a response to you...



Sorry for the Rant!
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