!!! Truck pie !!!

All bad welds / cracks braised and rear end spread to accept 135mm hub! Even the chainstays spread so now unlike any other Worksman I could fit a 26X2.35 tire if I felt like it. The 2.25's on the felt fit no problem and room to spare! Sandblasted and a coat of primer set me up for todays paint session. I was going to wait and have it powdercoated and may still once I see how much welding and stuff need to be done to mount the wood panals and battery / tank combo. We took EXTRA care to make sure the rear dropouts are absolutly parallel ( spelling?) and properly alinged. I did have to modify the front fork to accept the S/A hub. The original front axel slides out and there is no "droppout" 5 min work with a Dremel and a drill I now have droppouts!
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nice job velodrome. i really like that blue metallic paint. gonna be one heck of a ride when you finish. thank you for keeping us updated on your electric bike
Lordy! Lordy! Lordy! That guy has talent !!!
Have you seen the guy on YouTube that paints similulated wood rims
go there and just type in "wood grained painted bicycle fenders,another fantastic talent and you could never tell the difference,he even darkens the area around the spoke holes and the frames he does are crazy cool!!!
Oh! and NICE PAINT JOB !!! Velo!
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I dont know about talent... Mabey just a taiste for the bizare. Im waiting on my rear wheel to be re-laced with a 135 hub but I got the bike partially assembeled. Im not keeping this box but I just HAD to put some wood on it for the time being :) Heh. Dynamite delivery truck...laff


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Love the color Velo! ever think about spicing the paint up with some vintage themed Ivory colored spears, looks good even with out, maybe some pin striping from pep boys?
I did a black bike with double gold stripes and the cool thing about the stripes was they were totally seperate from each other(meaning not roled on the same piece of vinal) and they had a top layer of clear backing that you peeled off when the stripes were in place
ITS RIDEABLE ! WHEEEE! Got me a TNT delivery bike :) Im thinking once I have the wood box to hide the in frame battery I MIGHT have a sign painter do something like "Vitos blasting supply. Bronx " We deliver... Then one of the old alpha numeric exchange phone numbers... HAHAHAaaahah ( cough )


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Very nice job.
That box looks like it might be able to contain a small blast, I love it!

You really can't tell it's a Pie till you look close.
Dude yer gonna be going Sooooo!!! Fast!! % Spds WOW!.and with the Trojan sign on the side every one is either going to think yer on yer to get(well ya know) or yer delivering condems He! He! He! Very nice though! Love that color got 4 cans of that very same color for the wifey's bike and was wondering what it would look like when all said and done.
HAHAhahahaa Ya Its a "WOODIE" I could do Enzyte advertizing. You know: "Bob" with the wife that has the all stretched out face. laff Love those commertials for "natural male enhancment". All the "wood" references. Its a Trojan dynamite box though. I here it's REALLY bad when your Trojan explodes.... Especially prematurly :)
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Vasvoldi! I think what your seeing is the front drum brake. I have'nt ordered the MP III yet; and probably wont for a while. Funds are tight at the mo.
HEhehe. I'm so gonna be busted by homeland securuity... Honest officer! Its just a dang wooden box full of groceries! !! DONT TAZE ME BRO !! laff
Dude yer gonna be going Sooooo!!! Fast!! % Spds WOW!.and with the Trojan sign on the side every one is either going to think yer on yer to get(well ya know) or yer delivering condems He! He! He! Very nice though! Love that color got 4 cans of that very same color for the wifey's bike and was wondering what it would look like when all said and done.

You might wanna return that paint and go with a powdercoat. They can do sparkely now a days. This Rustolium metalic is EXTREAMLY FRAGLE just lookin at it an it wants to flake and scratch. The paint is only temporary. I will break it all down once I have the bike "finished" and do the same sparkely blue in powdercoat.
Do you remember the 1st."TOY STORY" and the figurins that Mcdonalds sold to promote the movie, well my wife and I bought Woody and Buzz, my youngest son got Woody,to make a long story short we were grocery shopping one day and my son was running through the store screaming " I lost my Woody, I lost my Woody!!" let me tell ya we gotta lotta wierd looks and snarrels from other shoppers as the kid was pretty frantic
and my wife is a Nurse and we were moving so she brought home some Glycerene boxes used for Diabetic's and thats all it said(white box black lettering) l I stopped at a liquir store for smokes after getting the boxes and the place was a cop stop from day one, well when I walked out to my car it was surrounded by cop's thinking I had Bomb materials inside, this happened a few months after 911, it actually took about 3 hrs. to clear up.
That was the only time I actually got away with cussing out the Police.
Hey but don't give up the box it's cool!!!!
OK. Heres the last bit Im gonna put on this bike till I get my taxes back in Feb and can buy the Pie. The shifter under the seat was NOT gonna get it. Almost crashed each time I went to use it. SOOO. Off to ebay! Found a NEAT little shfter New old stock and fits well. I HOPE it wont interfere with the battery but if it does I'll adapt it to go on the stem :)


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Now mine is extra long! Not so thick, but man! Is it LONG! GIGITY! Thanks for the heads up on this truckd! The Cycle-Truck stem from worksman was only 11" this will work much better for the outragious plans I have for this beast! Might have to flip the bars over though.


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