Trike Project


What a great start . The price is jumping up though . ....... D.J.

eBay Motors: Other Makes (item 290231719743 end time May-25-08 14:55:04 PDT)

Hi, I' new here and looking for a live chat room here, and i want to post my recipe for a neet and easy motorized trike. It's front half is moped(less motor) rear is rider mower with "doughnut" spare tires welded to mower rims (3 times the roll-out= 3times speed.
Welcome z wing

Please post as many pictures as you want and whatever text you want to . We do not have a live chat area but are active followers of the site and appreciate all positive input and constructive criticism and comments . You can start your post here or start a new thread . . .... D.J.

We Like Pictures
Hey zwing, welcome to the forum. We don't have a live chat here. But we do have lots of motorized bicycle enthusiasts. You got a picture or your trike?............
TRI-Bicycle w Petals (see cops, kill motor and petal) Take Front-half of old Moped cut at rear of fuel tank. Take old rider mower (7 to 10 hp.) w/ electric start. Remove tires from rims. Weld (2) "doughnut spare tires to rims. 3times the roll-out= 3times the speed compare doughnut roll out to doughnut roll out. Ex: 12mph tractor speed = 36mph Bike speed (w/reverse) Example 42 inch cut Murry rider has small rotor/caliper on exposed shaft on differintial. Weld bike petal gear. Cut front petal and gear from bicycle, add chain.

And save and install the moped seat, wire lawn mower to moped lites and use small car battery instead of mower battery, FM radio optional...Beer holder priceless!
Will work on pics, rite now i have a large frame schwinn woodlands Mt Bike W/ 49cc Tecumsah roller drive bought from islandhopper. I run premium, mix (add) 1oz. acitone and 1tsp. slick50 to my 2cycle mix, (what ever 2 cycle oil happens to be around) Makes er runn RRRRRRRRRRRRReal Nice