top end mods to stock part for more power !!!

Yea, I agre
My best advice to you is to NOT touch the piston in any way, & not raise or lower the port heights; (only clean up the rough casted edges & maybe widen the ports a little).
Also, matching the intake & exhaust ports to the exact shape of the manifolds is a good way to increase power.

One more thing that's very important... Since your engine is very new, wait until you have run several gallons of gas through it before doing any of these mods!! I've found that if you completely break in the engine first, it will make the engine more likely to last longer after the mods.
yea I agree man, definitely gonna let this one run another tank of the mix I made,just have added ONLY a cup or so of straight gas (was 93pump) to the can after the first tank running 16:1.helped w 4 strokeing but i wasnt running wide openfrom get go.just a blip or 2 after I started motor for seals, let idle for 5-10 min then shut er down 2 cool.did this 3 times .will use this last tank as is since I have about 1 left n the can anyway out of 2 gallons. Ur rite let em break in real well,I think especially using semi synthetic. Maybe I got a gem but knew she would be sweet to me ever since I saw the ramps & ports assembling it. I did change the jets today tho using a #69 now w MZ pipe and it maxed out @ 43 flatland.and swear to God it wanted more, so I did lol don't have tac but bet we were just humming smonth @ 9-10,000 rpm.but then I grabbed clutch n let out cuz I didn't wanna ruin this good thing we have going haha. It is in fact a zeda stock.(w pipe) dont even have head yet,haven't even sanded it, not touched it.bought dremel today but no longer itching to port.jet did the trick
Go ahead & start running it at 32:1 (or 40:1); & it's also OK to start running the MZ pipe.

When you start to install the 11t sprocket, you'll see instantly where you need to grind the case.
Alright cool, so I was looking @ my back tire today and now that I'm able to hit WOT I've noticed my tires heating up pretty good & tread wear. Have worked on bikes all my life,rode bmx vertical & flatland & still do when kids permit, but back tire is perfect center (used 2 nails for rear dropouts cuz there a hair too wide) works fine 1 on top axle other side on bottom.whatever I'll get around to that...somehow,when I go faster. But my tires will eat up quick I can tell,same hyper bike tires it came with, what's a good quality tire i can buy without going totally broke.Now I'll spend maybe 100 IF it takes it. Bill here bill there seems to be this bikes theme anyways.I just want quality and assurance when I'm rolling 50-60mph. & I'm gonna get there. Then will have to buy sleeved & also need to know where I can find quality sleeved cylinder. I've read somewhere in a thread somebody's sleeve came loose in like first 5 min. From zeda apparently , that was gonna be my option but,those kinda rumors w those kinda speeds gets me skeered. So I've read a bunch of u guys post, yours too, and u seem to be a pretty solid guy who knows a thing or 2.def more than me, I just got into motorizing them not long ago.