Titan Only $375.00 And 1 Year Warr



Feb 22, 2008
Ok.. I have done it. Best deal on Terra Fir ma. TITAN XC50 with a 1 Year Warranty. Only 375 green backs !! Get em while you can.. Now you can Really Enjoy the ride... Yes !


Feb 22, 2008
Well.. After 3 years of hard work, it is time to have a dependable engine and kit that everyone can afford. Part of the job was not only bringing the best to market, but making it affordable as well. Mission accomplished. These engines are so good, offering a 1 year warranty was not a problem. Enjoy the ride....


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
i will personally say this is an awesome motor which i know first hand from owning one. its smooth and quite and has lots of power. very nice price!


Feb 22, 2008
As long as my costs are kept down, I will pass the lower costs on to Customers. If my costs go up, I will have to raise the price. I can assure you, I will do everything I can to keep prices low as long as I can still make a buck ! I have to make a buck or I will not be able to bring product to the market place. My Focus will be to refine and continue to make the Titan XC50 the best engine carrier platform in the world. It runs circles around all the others and does it at half the cost. Doing this at half the cost is the amazing part. But it is done. The Titan is 180 degrees different than all the others . I mean this literally. The Titan truly is 180 degrees different. The Engine is mounted with Exhaust to the rear and Carb to the front. This is completely opposite to all the other carrier Kits out there. Doing this solves several issues to consider. One is balance. The other Engine Carrier kits to some degree, some more than others and that is Balance. Our Carrier kit provides for a near perfect CG. Center of Gravity. The Engine and gea box is weighted dead center over the rear making for superior handling.The other guys Rear Engine kits typically have the engine hanging over the side of your bike. The Weight hanging over the side does not provide nearly as good handling attributes. Also.. Since the Engine is a 4 stroke, it is super smooth and quiet. Having the Exhaust at the rear of the bike makes an even quite engine more quiet for the rider. This engine is so quiet, even mounted on the front wheel and pointed at you, it is still quiet. Mounting it over the rear wheel and pointed back and out the rear, it is super quiet. The other guys have their exhaust at the front which puts it at your back while riding. then the get an exhaust the comes out and then bends down or to the rear in an attempt to get the exhaust to the rear. Not as quiet,, not as good. Also, the Titan uses 415 or bicycle chains for its drive system. It is smooth and solid and also inexpensive to keep. Belts are more costly and can not be had anywhere when needed. By using parts that exist out there already, we were able to keep costs down. Adjustments to maintain chain tension without Idler wheels also took some engineering and time. To keep this all simple also required a lot of simple Engineering. The Complete Package theme from the start was to keep it simple, reliable, affordable, quiet, and smooth. It has taken years, not to mention the time to get Applicable copyrights and my Factory tooled up costs to support the whole operation. Going on 3 years now, Titan is here for everyone that can save the extra money to get one. Yes.. They are a little more expensive than the 2 strokes. But.. They come with a 1 year warranty and they are potentially the last engine you will ever buy for your ride. These engines are that Solid and that good. The 2 strokes are fun, but Titan 4 strokes are a Blast !!! They will run with the Larger 70cc 2 strokes no kidding.. They will run all day and all night and not break a sweat !! If you are interested in buying a top of the line Titan, Strike while the Iron is hot !!! Enjoy the ride....


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
ordered my new titan today and also bought a mongoose spear full suspension mountain bike to put it on, i am really excited to ride again


Feb 22, 2008
Ok.. I finally have had the opportunity to take a Titan Motor Apart and find out what makes them run so long and so good. This is what I found.. Cylinder and Engine base for Crank is all one piece. This makes it stiff and precise. Yes !!! No longer any Cylinder base or head gaskets to leak or worry about. Cylinder is Steel lined for long life. Yes !!! Piston has 4 rings. Yes !! Two main rings and 2 oil rings. Wow !! Piston is alloy with flat dome quench area. Main Crank is supported by two large over sized precision roller bearings. Seems like over kill on these rollers, but that is fine. A larger roller with larger Dia will have much less stress and last much longer. I must admit. I expected quality with this IC motor. Quality is there and since it is an IC motor, I should have expected to see the larger Bearings and Steel IC Cylinder Liner. But..Until I actually see it for my self.. I could not say.. Now I can say.. And It is for real.. I must admit, the Titan XC50 is a super easy engine to completely disassemble. Much eaiser than the 2 strokes. I really think a ring compressor would be needed to re install the piston and rings into the cylinder. On the 2 stroke, I can do that with my fingers.. Other than that, the Titan is was easier for sure.. Enjoy the ride...


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Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
No need to ask "Where's the beef?"
That is a very thick liner. The rod is massive for a 50 cc engine...


The Old Master Motorized Bicycle Builder
Oct 23, 2008
Man it's gettin' to where I can't trust my eyes anymore but I only see three rings?

Jul 22, 2008
There's two compression rings and the oil ring on the bottom counts as two because an oil ring is essentially two rings that sandwiches that wafer oil collector center. It's essentially set up the very same way it's set up in almost all automotive engines.


Feb 22, 2008
Yes.. Many oil-rings are segmental types with 3 or 4 segments. This one has 2 side rings and an expander, which also acts as a spacer for the rings. The dual rings depend on the expander to hold them against the walls. The expander is made of thin steel with a series of crimps to give it an outward spring force. This ring setup for Titan is a 3 segment. 2 rings with an expander. So.. Your eyes are not failing on you, it is my picture that is failing. I needed to get a closer picture to allow you to see the dual oil ring 3 segment setup for that bottom slot. Enjoy the ride...
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