Thoughts on the Arrow Big Block reed combo?


New Member
Ive been flipping back and forth between Freds top end kit and this Arrow kit. I know both vendors have great knowledge and Im sure both kits are worthy of the price tag.

Ive researched (on this site) about the benefits of a reed system but I haven't seen anyone comment on this new cylinder. Both kits run about the same money but Freds kit has the head and piston minus the reed system but with his intake with it which means I would still need to buy a head and Im guessing a vm 18 mikuni carb for the Arrow kit pushing the Arrow kit to about $320.00 to $375.00 bucks depending if I get a Puch head or Fred head.

Where does the madness stop lol?

Wanted to add that I can port my own cylinder and notch a piston so I originally was just looking at Freds intake and type A piston for a PK80 but he is out of stock so I started wandering around and was playing with my options. The stuff is pricey but I can grin and bear the cost if those upgrades are worth it to a guy that street rides and likes power on tap.

well i would go the arrow rout and just get a puch 70cc hi hi and a stock piston and then grind and cut the piston myself,

so for me it would be ...

arrow big block jug and reeds
use my current 16mm cns carb
puch 70cc hi hi
piston, needle bearing and rings

grind exhaust and transfer ramps my self then cut the skirt on the intake and drill holes for reed setup.
honestly i dont think the arrow big block jug and the arrow ported reed jug are going to be that mutch differant for a street rider, this is because the only dif is the big block jug has the intak track milled down a lil shorter to increse dynamic comp wile at high rpms and will not help out all that mutch at lower rpms.

you should save money and go this rout...

1) Arrow Boost Port Reed Cylinder with a 15 mm flat slide carburetor
The Boost Port Reed Cylinder with a 15 mm flat slide carburetor combo has a third transfer port for added performance.

66cc Skyhawk cylinders

2) get a puch head from treatland for 40$ its combustion chamber is almost identical to the fred head at 1/2 the price

3) new piston and rings then grind exhaust and transfers and cut the skirt on the intake for reed valve setup and port clearance. 20$

4) make shure your exhaust is tunned to your new setup you may have to lengthen you header.

tottal cost 250$

and you will have an incredably powerfull bike with preformace as good as any other setup you can buy ! the milled jug is for WOT racing and you wont notice a diff on the street its not worth the extra cash IMHO if you are not racing ! you wont even notice the differance unless your on a track timming yourself and clocking speed LOL

what i just listed is the cheapest most reliable and powerfull setup you can get for street ripping !
think about it ... the big block jug is is exactly the same as there third transfer port ported jug only its milled about .5 in down at the intake . it cost 220$ and does not even come with a carb !

the ported and 3rd transfer jug reed block and dellorto carb combo is a better chiose for street riding . you are getting the same reeds and jug only the intake is .5 in longer and your getting a dellorto carb with it !!!

all you need then is a puch head and a modded piston and your riding dirty !!!
That's a lot of good advice and a lot of typing! Thanks!

My friend has the 4.5 HP Arrow motor and my current GT5 with a ported cylinder, notched piston, SBP exhaust and standard intake out runs him from the start, up a hill etc. I was hoping that Big Block would out perform my current set up. To make things perfectly clear my buddy weighs at least 60 lbs more than me. But from lower speeds he has to peddle to try and keep up with me just hitting the throttle. I also want to add that its his cylinder and piston on my bike, all his work not mine.

I will have to check with Arrow to see if he can make me that less expensive combo package for my PK, currently his online store shows it only for the GT5.

Just ordered my Piston from Fred, he finally got them back in stock!!!!

my 4.5 wasnt fast off the start because the clutch wasnt adjusted right and it was slipping so bad until about 15 mph. Ive not tried to adjust the spring on the inside of the clutch but i imagine it would be much faster with the right adjustments