I have seen other pictures of heads that looked exactly like that, right out of the box. You tell me.
Its impossible that I have seen other heads scratched like that right out of the box? so yours is the only head that looks like that from the factory? They come from China, where the people who work in the factories where they are made get paid next to nothing. You are not understanding how poorly the quality is controlled in these factories. People have found hair, newspaper, and cigarette butts in their engine casing, just to name a few examples. Perhaps your head didnt come off the line with those scratches, but obviously something happened between the time it came off the line and the time you took it out of the box. and you are not the only person this has happened to. Many others have found all manner of things wrong with their engines, right out of the box.Thats impossible butterbean. Those pretty deep scratches got there after they were machined. But oh well, Im going to try it like that. The bike is sold anyways. Next one I get in 3-4 weeks is custom frame with GoKart engine.